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Healing Requests : healing for Trevor
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 Message 1 of 17 in Discussion 
From: Wheezie  (Original Message)Sent: 24/09/2008 02:24
Hello Ladies,
I don't know where else to turn but to all you wonderful healers.    I've been dumbfounded all evening by the news Jack had for me when he got home from work tonight.   One of the men he works with had taken this week off from work because he's been going through some very stressful times... both at work and at home.  Trevor's wife was diagnosed with liver cancer back in May, has had two surgeries and will start treatments very soon.   Anyway, this morning Trevor fell ill himself and was rushed to the hospital only to undergo emergency surgery for a brain aneurism.   He made it through surgery but the doctors don't hold out much hope.  They were letting family and friends in to visit him this afternoon once he was out of surgery.  Doctors don't let anyone in if there is any hope of the person surviving.  I cried when Jack told me this because my own brother died of a brain aneurism 17 yrs ago....only he didn't get the chance for surgery.  Trevor's aneurism is in a different place than my brother's was but still, it's so very serious.  Anyway, just a little while ago, Jack and I were sitting on the couch watching TV when his cell phone rang but it was a very different ring than normal.  He jumped up to get it as he thought it might be word about Trevor but there was no caller displayed... just as if no one had called.   I immediately got a chill down my spine..... I didn't say it to Jack but I don't think there will be good news about Trevor in the morning when he goes to work.   I think Trevor was letting him know he's gone or will be going soon.   OMG, I just can't believe what's happened to Trevor.  His poor wife needs him so much with what she;s is going to be going through with her cancer treatments.... there isn't much hope for her either.   So, I guess I'm asking for you to add Trevor and Lisa to your prayers.  they so deperately need them right now.   Thank you so much.

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 Message 3 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemandyvj10Sent: 24/09/2008 12:55
Sending prayers and healing thoughts
out to Trevor and Lisa,Wheezie
Lots of love
Mandy xx

 Message 4 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 24/09/2008 15:15
Sending them both healing prayers Wheezie and a big hug for you and Jack too
Love Nova xxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 5 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 24/09/2008 15:59
Oh darling, I will send reiki tonight for them both and keep them in my reiki stack for prolonged healing whatever the next few days brings sweetie.
I'll send you some reiki (and jack if he likes) to help with your emotions and keep you strong.
Love Erika xxxxxx

 Message 6 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamechazz251Sent: 24/09/2008 20:06
This is such a sad thing to read, wheezie. Sending you and Jack comfort and support. Sending my love and healing out to Trevor and Lisa.
loads of love

 Message 7 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 24/09/2008 20:17
My dear Wheezie, I'm so very sorry to hear about Trevor and his wife.  Sending prayers and Reiki to both darling.
Polly xxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 8 of 17 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 24/09/2008 21:08
I'm sorry to report that Trevor was pronounced brain dead this morning.  Jack called me at work with the news.  He was very upset and didn't know what he should do with himself.  I told him to go to the shop because the guys are all going to need each other.   That must have been what he did because he wasn't home when I got home a little while ago. thank you all for you love and healing for Trevor and for his wife Lisa.  She is definitely going to be going through some very rough days.   Please pray for Trevor's speedy transition.  I wish I was able to help him like I did Stacey last week but I know that;s not how spirit works, right?  

 Message 9 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameminnieminesotaSent: 24/09/2008 21:16
Such sad news Wheezie! Will certainly send prayers for his wife Lisa.
Minnie  XXXXX

 Message 10 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 24/09/2008 21:19
Aww darling, I wish i were closer, i really do.
Just know we are all with you through this, and that if you need anything, you have simply to ask.
Love to you all
Erika xxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 11 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCCPiskeySent: 25/09/2008 03:49
Wheezie hon I am so sorry to hear your sad news.  Will be praying Trevor crosses gently home - and loads of prayers and healing for you and Jack and Trevor's family and friend.

 Message 12 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejennywren160Sent: 25/09/2008 08:03
So sorry to hear this sad news, my thoughts are with you all and i will pray for Trevors family,x

 Message 13 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 25/09/2008 08:19
sorry to hear your sad news wheezie  prayers  trevor goes into the light  ,healing a prayers for his wife and big hugs to you nanaxxx

 Message 14 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamechazz251Sent: 25/09/2008 11:16
oh! Wheezie my love, we're all holding hands with you right now! Prayers for Trevor's speedy transition home, and sending love, strength and courage to Lisa.
My heart goes out to all of you.
much love

 Message 15 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 25/09/2008 11:43
Oh Wheezie I am so sorry to hear this.
Sending love for Trevors safe transition and healing for Linda.
Also sending lots of love to you and Jack
Love Nova xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

 Message 16 of 17 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 25/09/2008 21:37
No news as of yet if they have actually turned off life support.  Trevor was listed as an organ donor so they probably have left him hooked up until they get suitable recipients.  At least that is one good thing that has come of all this.  Trevor will have helped some people have a better quality of life and a part of him will live on in these people.
I thank you again for your love and support.  It really means a lot to me and Jack.

 Message 17 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemandyvj10Sent: 26/09/2008 06:52
So sorry to hear your sad news Wheezie
you and Jack are in my thoughts and prayers
Sending love for Trevors safe trasition and lots
of healing out to Linda and all the family
Lots of love
Mandy xx

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