(Lives of Great Men and Women Who have Blessed the Human Race)
One of the greatest gifts of God to the mankind of Earth
is the constant radiation of His blessings to them through
Great Beings Who were once a part of Earth's people but Who
have purified, perfected and raised Themselves into the
Ascended Masters' Octave of expression, even as the Beloved
Ascended Master Jesus did. These are the great Examples and
Teachers to mankind, constantly endeavoring to show them
the way back to the Father from Whom they came. Having
passed the way of Earth's experiences Themselves and having
mastered those experiences, They know how to help, standing
ever ready and willing to give this assistance to any and all
who will ask for it. These Beings are linked together by a
common interest, serving the Father by blessing the human
race. They are members of a Spiritual Order called "The
Great White Brotherhood".
One of the Members of this Brotherhood is known by the
name of El Morya. He is a great Ascended Being Who gives
tremendous assistance to all the governments of the world. He
is always the "Unseen Presence" at the Council Tables of all
Nations; the Guiding Hand for all those statesmen and patriots
who, through governmental service, desire to give greater free-
dom to their fellowman. At the birth of the Master Jesus, the
Beloved El Morya was in embodiment as Melchior, one of the
Three Wise Men Who followed the Star to Bethlehem, desir-
ing to honor the new Messiah. Through the centuries since
the birth of Christ, the Beloved El Morya has taken many
embodiments, usually in the capacity of a king, soldier or
patriot and participated in the Crusades to the Holy Lands.
Later, in order to develop more Divine Love in His nature,
He embodied several times as a simple poet and many of the
lovely songs mankind enjoy today came from His heart and
pen. "Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms" as
well as "The Last Rose of Summer" were two of these.
Those who truly desire to know the Will of God and
desire to try to do that Will have the assistance of this Great
Master, if they will but ask Him!
Author Unknown