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Med Exercises : How To Meet Your Guide
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163  (Original Message)Sent: 21/09/2007 19:41
This is only one of many ways.  The important rule is TAKE YOUR TIME!

Make yourself comfortable, either sitting with a straight back, shoulders relaxed, don’t lie down cos you will go to sleep!<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Close your eyes and allow your body to relax, paying particular attention to the shoulders and chest area, the neck and the back of the head.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Now take three slow deep breaths and hold each for a count of 4 before slowly letting the breath out completely.  This is called Pranic breathing �?it relaxes the body, which puts you into a state that is easier to achieve meditation.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Now allow your body to relax and breathe gently and normally just allowing it to come and go.  After a few minutes visualise in your mind a door, but a door that swings both ways.  As you breathe, be aware of this door slowly swinging in time to your breath.  As you breathe in allow the door to swing inwards.  As you breathe out allow the door to swing outwards �?make this natural and gentle.  Focus on the door for a few minutes �?inwards, outwards, inwards �?.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Imagine yourself standing on a beautiful grassy hillside, you’re in a valley and all around you are rolling hills �?green and lush.  Above you the sun is shining in a clear blue sky.  The air is warm, but there is a refreshing breeze that keeps it very pleasant.  Ahead of you is a small wood with small shrubs and stunted trees but again very lush and green and inviting.  Walk slowly towards this wood and as you enter it feel the air becoming cooler.  As you stroll through this wood, you become aware of a clearing in the trees.  Walking towards this you realise that there is a cave set in the hillside with the entrance almost overgrown with shrubs and beautiful honeysuckle.  You have nothing to fear within this cave and brushing the undergrowth out of your way, you slowly enter.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

The cave is just about tall enough to allow you to walk almost at your full height.  The cave goes on and on �?it is dry and earthy and has a lovely peaty smell, sweet and reassuring.  After a little while it becomes darker, but not so dark that you cannot see where you are going.  Ahead of you there is a light and you realise that the cave will open out into something bigger before too long.  As you near the end of the tunnel, you see that it’s actually opening out into a circular space in amongst the trees.  It is warmer now because now that you are enclosed by the trees you cannot feel the breeze.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

In the middle of this space, which is clothed in soft green moss is a bench.  Walk toward the bench and sit down and wait, knowing that you have come here for a reason.  You sit and relax and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the feeling of the moss on the soles of your feet.  Close your eyes now and relax and wait …�? Presently you become aware e of someone coming towards you �?slowly and quietly and sitting on the bench next to you.  When you are ready slowly open your eyes and greet the person who has joined you.  This is your spirit guide.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

What happens next cannot be predicted, it is between you and your guide.  Listen to whatever your guide has to tell you and ask questions if you need to.  You may not get the answers as it may not be fitting that you do.  When the visit is over remember to thank your guide for visiting you and allow them to go.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Take a few moments and then in your own time begin your journey back (the same way that you came).     Gently open your eyes.<o:p></o:p>

You might have to do this meditation many times before you meet a guide or it may be that you never will because it may not be the time for you.<o:p></o:p>

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 21/09/2007 20:30
fantastic meditation Polly, thank you so much for sharing with us.

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamelovenlightdebSent: 24/02/2008 09:29
Hi Polly, thank you for sharing, I tried this and was successful! Really nice.

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 24/02/2008 09:46
will try this polly ty let you no how i get on nanaxx

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 27/02/2008 20:07
polly i could  i could see an indian but he didnt sit beside me ,i asked was he my guide no answer he had 2 fearthers in his hair when i was coming back through the tunnel he walked behind me all i could hear was nemaha over and over ,i just loved this nanaxx

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 28/02/2008 18:36
you know, I am going to do this meditation, charlie keeps pushing it to the front of my mind....I wonder what they have in stall for me
I'll have a go over the weekend.
Love Erika xxxxxx

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 02/03/2008 09:20
I took a journey through the hillside, into the cave and to the bench.  Charlie was with me until the moment I sat down, in the distance, I saw a figure walk towards me, small determined steps - a male energy and one i recognised, but couldn't recal fully.
The gentle man kneeled in front of me and i could see that he is oriental, and then i was enveloped in such a sensation of love and trust that it almost made me weep.  This guide has been with me on every incarnation, through every challenge and every celebration, and now he comes to me as a teacher of many things.  We are going to work with Chakras first, and the purpose of his time with me is to teach, or rather, help me remember, so that I can share with you all here.  As he sat with me I felt my feet tingle and the energy centres in my hand were whirling like crazy.  He has been given to me before, and i can't believe that I had forgotten.  In a flower meditation about 7 years ago I was given this guide and his name, and told that he wasn't ready to journey with me yet, but in time he would and I would work as closely with him as I do with Charlie. I spent months after trying to connect to him and welcome him into mylife, but never sensed more than a flutter of energy about him.
I need to find my notes from that mediation, and then i will understand more where we are to go.
Polly, this is amazing to me, truly amazing, and I am SURE he is here now because of the Reiki Journey I have begun. 
Thank you so much for sharing this meditation, and thanks also, of course, to Charlie for being persistant.  A true reminder that there is alwasy something to learn, and that to follow the simple path can be the most rewarding. Not only have I met a guide that I spent a long time seraching for all those years ago, but I have also reminded myself to let go of expectation, simply by doing this meditation.
I'll copy this over to my journal too, that way I dont loose it.
Blessed Be
Love Always

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLady_JewelzzSent: 02/03/2008 13:23
I am definitely going to do this meditation tonite Polly xxxx


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