I managed to do a reading for you babes - its in the readathon messages, but I thought i would copy it here in case Nova needs to tidy up and move everything over to the storage site. No rush for feedback, I just didn't want you to miss it.
Hiya Sweetheart
Lets try this again....LOL
I used my Love is in the Earth Crytsal Tarot. A four card spread - one for past, one for present, one for future, one for development. Whilst it is a general reading, I did focus on your question regarding Mitchell, I didn't get a direct response and was pushed back and told to read the cards.
You should also know that I mentioned that I would be reading for you tonight this morning in my alignment and asked them to make sure the message was for you LOL.
I want to ask you if someone close is having a baby? Or to tell you that if you find out someone close is having a baby, don't be too shocked. Spirit quite literally plonked a baby on my lap. I think the news will bring a lot of soul searching, but that in the end nothing but good will come out of the whole situation. I have had morning sickness ALL DAY lol and have felt exactly the same as I did carrying Kayleigh all those years (14 to be exact) a go. Anyways, you might not be able to take it yet, but look out for the newsflash LOL
And so to your cards:
The Past - Princess of Crystal Lasers
This card represents the influence of a strict personality who will have asserted themselves over you in the past. Because of this kind of attention you may have found yourself feeling like you were behaving in illogically or inconsitently to try and keep up with their pragmatism. This will have caused you to be apprehensive about your decision making. However, being in this situation, may have made you look towards your inner voice for some important decsion making to have been made, and I feel that you most definately have made a leap of faith at some point, not blindly, but with sepcific avoidance of this quite controlling person. Rest assured you made your choice from the purest place in your heart, and whilst you may not doubt you choices, you do somemtimes question your motive. Trust that you were motivated by your higher self and that yes, all is well and will contnuie to be so. You may encounter 'hiccups' or 'disoragnisation' from time to time around you, but this littel bit of mayhem will not harm you and in inconsequential.
As I look at the card The imagery in my minds eye focuses on the stars in the heavens - canyou loose yrouself stargazing sometimes? Its a good way for you to connect to your guides, not htrough astrolgoy, but by simply sitting and looking at the starts, you'll see the stories of the heavens if you give it a go! I also see a I-Ching Histogram - have you thought about using the I-ching to help you in your day to day life? Give it a go, you have nothing to loose. (In fact three of your four cards have historgrams on them - I don't think the meaning of them is important, more the fact that they are there).
The Present - Ten of Crystal Lasers
A strong card that talks of spoilage, destruction and re-building - but don't fear, as I read this I see a golden halo around the card, almost burning off any negatiivty connected with it. It carries a warning that if you try and engineer a given outcome, it will create boundaries and barreirs that have to be crossed and then healed, in all quarters, but if you let life just progress in it's own tranistory manner, everything will ultimately settle and the instability around you will soldify into something that will give you a good solid foundation on which to 're-build' or grow from. So don't pester a situation to death, it will casue it all to be come 'murky' and unclear, instead let it all pan out. I think you are starting to question someone around you's motives for being there - you are right to question. The guidance is to follow your intsinct, its right, you are right to doubt this person, and you would do well to distance yourself from them if you can, but be true to your inner self - it might be difficult to do this, but you will be shown a way.
The Future - Three of Crystal Wands
Hand in Hand with the Ten of Lasers, this card represents re-birth, new beginnings, and a very positive outlook. Kindling the fire of the soul, the fundatmental energy of life it represents the previously unbalanced male energy around you harnessed and in complete accord with you and your path through this life. Commencement of Spring is a great time for new begininnings and so this is the time indicated for resolution by this card. A symbol of goodness and virtue and a personality acting with due regard to your human will and determination - an excellent card - all things balanced and in their proper place!
And your final Card, the one for your development: Three of Crystal Spheres
The femanine energy balancing card to the Three of Crystal Wands - how cool is that!!!!!!! Feminine energy in this tarot is the earth energy that we can connect to to help us on our spiritual journey (being the tarot of the earth and all things crystal). The card tells me that you know where you are on your journey, and you know the things that you are doing, the things you are learning and developing are right for you. Harnessed with possibly the ability to look to the heavens and read the stories of the stars, you are perfectly balanced and well on your way to harnessing the essence of your spiritual journey. Charlie tells me you might not believe this, and I should remind you that it is natural to doubt where we are going, but it is important to keep going with the flow - that 'sureness' isn't far away if you haven't found it yet. Keep doing what you are doing, you are absolutely in the right place for youreslf, no doubt about it.
I hope you can take some of this Debs, but I know there is a lot to take in, so don't worry if you have to sit and ponder a while. I don't have that 'this isn't for Debs' feeling this time, but I do think some of it will leave you wondering what on earth I am going on about LOL
It was an honour to sit in the light for you.
Love and Light