Darlin Minnie,
I had some time this morning, and was 'in the zone' so at long last here is your reading as you missed out on the Readathon:
Using my Messages from the Angles cards
Card 1- Aurora
You are flying high right now, wich may threaten others. But DONT descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example.This makes sense to me as think family are a little sceptic re Reiki etc.
Keep walking the path that is laid out for YOU, don't be swayed by wht people say or think - their opinion of you does not matter, ponly your opinion o fyourself - will you fee like you have let yourself down if you bend to their ways? If so, don't do it! I do feel that if i give into their thinking ,I would be very unhappy to let myself down as I have much more self assurance in any challenges I may persue.
Card 1 - Opal
Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well and cared for by God and the Angels. Yes! they are certaily being watched over, as they are all satisfied with their lot at present time.
Sometimes we like to know everythgin that is going on aroundour chidlren done't we, but sometimes we should sit back and let them be and try not to interfere....let them walk their own journey freely, as we walk our own ourselves. This is true!!!i have never really gotten involved in their daily lives , I had to go it alone and they know that I will be there if things go pear shaped.
Card 3 - Oceana
Take action. You are in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself. This is becoming stronger each day I thnk.
Given this cardis in the same spread as the first one it really does underline it - walk YOUR path Minnie, not the path that others would have you walk for their benefit. That may mean you hve to say no, in a firm, but nice, way. Thankyou for this confirmation,! I do intend to go it MY way and be truly confident on the way
As I dealt the cards, a fourth one fell out:
Archangel Uriel
Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open to a greater love. True I am trying not to be so volatile, in past was more frustration, but now incompetence in the simplest of tasks.,If say nothing it's wrong if I criticise it is Wrong, never mind people are what they are and thats that. I will help you release anger and unforgiveness from your heart and mind.
Charlie, my guide, also tells me that you are nearly ready to work with the angels more, and that Uriel will send his band of baby angels to help you walk this path.I hope you can take a little of it Minnie, it was an honour to sit in the light for you.
He is most certainly correct there I tell myself each day that I have to be more aware of their presence and listen more attentively. I appreciate the reading and happy that you were able to do it for me. I feel honoured. Love and light
minnie XXXXX
It is a beautiful afternoon.
Love and Light
Soldarath xxxxx