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Our Channellings : Deep control address spiritlight
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: spiritlight  (Original Message)Sent: 05/04/2004 23:42

Wickham Lane S.N.U. 18th March 2001

A special person, a very special person like Diana Princess of Wales, a very special person who is willing to act as an instrument of spirit whether they know it or not, to bring truth home to people, a person who can act as a figure head of good and of light, a person who can attract the worlds media for the right reasons, rather than the reasons of someone who is wishing to wage war or someone who commits murders.

Someone who does bad things seems to get into the press and all the media so often why? Instead of which the good news. People seem to think that those on high, those in government, those who control the religions, those who want to control the population at large know best, they do not, they only know of their own subservient self, they only know what they want, they only know they want more of the worlds material greed and riches to the detriment of others. Whereas the ones who do know best are the ones who act ‘may I put it�?the ones on the ground, the ones who have to do the things, the ones who have to live their life and the ones who wish to live a good life, to live a life of helping others, the ones who instead of looking to a preacher to tell them what to do and how to live and how to pray look to themselves and find the spirit within look to that and know they are infinitely good, they are infinitely spiritual beings who maybe to those who are trying to control strayed off the path they should have but who know deep down that the more they look within and find where the God light is can find their way back to the pathway that they have chosen to come onto before they ever entered this plane.

All creatures of this plane including the mother earth herself are a spiritual being on this area in this planetary time in order to increase their own spiritual being, to purify it to a greater extent and to move onwards so that in time in many lifetimes maybe they can ascend to the supreme light.

I have said you have had over many of your aeons of time humans have endeavoured to control others, who have endeavoured to control the so called ignorant population either through government or through religion, to try and combat this many, many wonderful single teachers, supreme masters of spirit have come here in order to try and change things but sooner or later those teachings have been changed again so that the few in power can say that only we can talk with the will of God not you, only we can decide this or that not you, but now to put it into your language the tide is turning. With this new era of planetary time and change the tide is turning to the spiritual, the true spiritual where many, many people who very often have earned the right never to return to this plane, have earned the spirituality to return to this plane are returning and bringing that light, their spirituality and their rightness back to this area so that the rest of the humankind can also learn from what they teach so instead of having one supreme teacher there are now becoming many thousands, thousands amongst the millions of people, thousands of those who know of their spirituality, thousands who are looking and seeking and learning how to push away what they have been taught in their young lives and to redefine the meaning of spiritual being and in so doing will gradually bring peace and love and light to themselves and to those they meet.

Now you may ask who are these thousands? Who are you is the question? Who are you to think that you cannot be amongst those thousands? For each and every one of you are coming to temples like this in order to relearn of your own spiritual being, to relearn through your own inspiration of the tasks that you have elected to do whilst on this plane, the tasks that you have shown an ability to be able to do and have said yes I will return to that plane voluntarily in order to show the love and the light that I have been given and been taught through the many lifetimes I have lived in order to help that being known as humankind in its own ascension to the light, and this may seem a bit strong when I say the whole of human.

But in aeons past there are fables and stories amongst peoples, there are some but very few relics of peoples and creatures who have lived here and who have gone never to have returned. The simple way is that those peoples and those creatures have in their own way achieved a spirituality that has enabled them to leave this plane of semi light for good and travelled in its own ascension to the next level of being.

Now I have said many thousands of teachers are returning to this plane who have no need to, they have not achieved their ascension because it takes the whole of the humankind to move as one. But the pathway is clear, the pathway is laid out in front, the pathway of enlightenment and ones like you are here to increase the ability of the rest of peoples to travel along that pathway for during this period of planetary time where other creatures have left the mother so will the humankind have that ability to leave and leave for good this plane of semi light and move to the next level of light of being. And you are the teachers who are here not to go talking to everybody about what you find in these temples, not to stand on ‘as in your way�?the soapbox on the corner of the street shouting it all out.

But to find that light that you have brought with you, find it, kindle it and let it shine in the way you act towards others in the way you live your life, in the way you have peace and love within yourself and for yourself and once you have found that peace and that love you can then show it in your actions and your words to others and so kindle their light, and in kindling their light your action will spread further and further until in the fullness of this time the ascension of your peoples will be true, the whole of your peoples no matter what temporary colour or race they may be in but the whole of humankind is on its path of ascension.

I feel that you have had enough at this moment in time to think upon and to act upon, I hope and trust that I will be able to commune with you again sometime within your future and to enlighten you maybe a little more on your own journey of light and with that White Crow I will leave you.

Through Dave

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTràceySent: 06/04/2004 19:52
Wow Dave ,
That was a wonderful read and is very much in line with my own perceptions and impressions on the speed up of vibrations ,the coming ascension and the gathering .This was wrote aover 2 years ago and the spiritual movement has in my own opinion grown more once more ,and more and more are taking an interest in this area ,but its not just the mediumship side ,I have noticed many people around me being drawn to look to their own inner spiritual well being ,people who are not learning mediumship are doing meditation ,are learning things like reiki ,and are being more aware on how they behave and the effect it has on others .Of course it is only a small step from a few people ,but its a step which is growing and because of the positive effects it has its going to carry on growing ..Who knows maybe it will lead to the govermenal people ,and they may indeed value material things and power much less ,I personally do not think it will be in my lifetime ,but if it is in my neices and nephews lifetime or their kids then it will be something nice to see ,even though I will be in spirit then too ,or reincarnated .
Thank you for sharing this with us dave ,it was thought provoking inspiring wonderful reading .
Blessings to you

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: spiritlightSent: 09/04/2004 10:46
Thank you Tracy will post more maybe more that one at a time on a post
Love and light Dave

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