This is this mornings meditation meant for us all:
Today i feel there is a need for real peace and clarification in the world - it is time for you all to take a step back and take a good look at why you are squabbling - it matters not that some who do not always tell the truth come to visit for in their visit you may open their eyes to the truth that you speak and the truth that is the light of love and god - the creator of all beings. today is a day to fear not for you are all on a good clear path to find your hearts desire which is peace - is it not - for this is all we ever desire in our heart of hearts - there comes a time when this must be so - for you all there is a time coming soon when you will be tested on the pureness of your hearts - but we are happy that you will pass this with no worries - be careful of those who want to test you for the wrong reasons - you are not freaks of nature but gyifted and guided enlightened souls who have found their way home in their hearts - the time is coming for you to prove to the world that it is not mumbo jumbo as they say - but in truth you speak with the openness of your hearts - it is now the time that we will see you come forwards in strength and stature for you are truely gifted and guided and will soon be free of the persecution you worry for - you have been drawn together for a reason - be sure you stick together in love and light so that you may pull through your test with ease - for you have the right kind of hearts for this challenge and you will pass it with ease i say again - worry not for this - for to you it is par for the course as you say and in your time it is not long away - this is the new year and it will bring you closer together when you work you will have the opportunity to spread the word further than ever before - be free with your thoughts and feelings for it is those that gyuide you not your mind. take care my little ones for you are wise and enlightened yet still small in the big world. god bless to you all - amen.
By hepsie
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