" For god is energy and he shall share it with you - for did he not make you in the first place? to leave you now would be to neglect oneself and that is not in the master plan. Why would he foresake you his follower of light? For he foresakes none. you are the bringers of your destiny - we gave you choice to live as you please - yet you stillpersist witht he castigations of the heavensin order to alleviate yourselves of the blame - yet you control your destiny. Fear not for you have not been foresaken - yet you may feel as though you have. Many of your people look to the skies for your heaven, they expect to see god there, some kind of sign, you yourself have done this - so know it to be true. I say to you - we are not in your "heavenly skies" but all around you - for everything exists on a dimensional plane and not in your earths atmosphere. Do not look to the skies for us - just reach out and touch us - for we are there - your angels - your bringers of light when yours has extinguished - be not afraid of this for we are true souls of compassion - for we cannot be if we are not this."
By Hepsie
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