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Pendulum WkShop : Day 1 - Pendulum Workshop - Wed 9th Jan
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 Message 1 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·  (Original Message)Sent: 08/01/2008 21:29
Wednesday 9th Jan
We’ll start with a short ground/centre reminder, and then you'll how to charge your pendulum to you.  That’s all you will have to do for the day, sit with your pendulum for 5 minutes and empower it to work with you.
Light your candle (Burn your incense if you like)

By far quickest and easiest way to ground yourself is to imagine tree roots growing down from the soles of each foot rooting you firmly into the Earth.

Next connect to your Higher Self through your crown chakra, simply visualise a bright white star above your head and draw a strand of it down through your own crown.

Now centre your energy fields, place your focus onto your heart centre until you can sense this is where you are working from, try not to be distracted by random thoughts, don't worry if you can't shut off the chatter totally, although you should be able to feel connected to your heart and feel different from just going about your day.

Now sit in front of your candle with your pendulum in your hand.  Really try and project yourself into your pendulum.  You can do this by sending it lots of love, the same as you would a loved one or pet when you are giving them a cuddle.  Make the following statement, direct it at your pendulum:

You are a product of light, you are mine, I, [say your name] will nurture you and treat you with respect so that together we can serve the forces of light and love.  You will only ever serve the light. It is done. Amen

Sit with your pendulum in your hands and hold it for however long you feel is right.

Once you have done this ,you have claimed the pendulum as your own, and aligned it to your energies.  You don't have to do it again if you don't want to - but I would recommend that you do this every day for the course of the workshop to really really poour your love and your energy into your pendulum, it will also help you with your general development, not just the use of the pendulum and it is a wonderful way to affirm and proclaim your thanks to spirit and your guides your love and respect for them.

Come back on Thursday (or sooner if you like) and tell us how you got on if you want to.

Don't forget, you can come here and ask questions if you get stuck or are unsure.  I will come and answer as soon as I can. 

All ask is that we keep all your comments and questions for this exercise in this thread so I don't loose things, and so on for each day of the workshop.

I will try and post up Thursdays class on Wendesday night so that it is there for those of you that come in during the day.

Love and light



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 Message 13 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 09/01/2008 19:30
Held my pendulum in left hand (dominant) and after charging it I felt a vibration in hand and fingers - nice.  (and it tells the truth lol)
Polly xxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 14 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemandyvj10Sent: 09/01/2008 20:23
Just charged my pendulum,strange feeling
but nice,the pendulum feels very hot
lots of love
Mandy xx

 Message 15 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewendyonly1Sent: 09/01/2008 20:49
what a lovely expiriance
                  held the pendulum in my left palm and it felt so hot,but it also felt like it had stuck to my palmbut what a great sense of love and happiness i had
i am now in love with my pendulumbut it feels so good.
 i car'nt wait for more
                      wendy H  xx

 Message 16 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 09/01/2008 21:00
How wonderful, you are all doing well and connecting to the divine light within yourselves - isn't it cool?
I held my pendulum in my hand and performed the ceremony, it was lovely, I closed my eyes and sent love out to the pendulum, and I was rewarded with lots of lovely little twinkling stars - Charlie came close and whispered in my ear, there's a star there for every member taking part Erika - my heart just burst with love for you all   - what a lovely lovely gift from spirit, and from your heart essences.
I am looking forward to tomorrows exercise.  I'll post it up just before I go to bed.
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 17 of 27 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 09/01/2008 22:51
OK, I have a question.....
How and where should I store my pendulum when I'm not using it??   Normally, my crystal hangs in my west window so the light hits it during the afternoon and I can enjoy its sparkles.  Can I still hang it there or should it be stored away from the light in a box or bag?
Oh... and I like what Wendy said.... that she's in love with her pendulum.  I know how you feel Wendy.... I feel the same.  I haven't stopped smiling all day long since I charged it .

 Message 18 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 09/01/2008 22:54
My pendulum is doing what it's meant to do - right for yes and left for no but .....what does it mean when it just sits there trembling lol, does that mean its confused?  Or is it a maybe or don't know?
Polly xxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 19 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 10/01/2008 10:02
You have charged your pendulum and made it yours, so what you do withit is really up to you.  Other wise folks might say that you shoul dkeep it hiden away in a special bag so that noones energy should affect it, but personally I don't hold to that.  Your life is a reflection of the energies around you, so long as youa re working form your inner truth then your pendulum will always respond to you.  I leave mine sat in the sunshine so that it can bask in the glory of the light htat is in my room, It isn't in aplace that can't be meddled with by cats or kids, its there, and if the kdis ask me can they ahve al ook, the anser is always yes, of course you can.  All I do is hold my pendulum fora few moments before I use it - and i do that anyway as I don't use it every day (apart from this workshop).
I would ask your pendulum what it wants you to do - when you know how it will tlak to you
Polly - it could be a maybe.....todays exercises will tell you.  But it could also be an energy excahnge too, you've just been through some pretty powerful reiki stuff haven't you?  It might be a manifestation of all that lovely energy, right there for you to see. It could be that by doing these exercises your pendulum might give you different answers now that you've done your reiki attunements too - remember your energy has changed (even thought hte rieki isn't of you, it is about you), so your pendulum might change too....
Let me know how you get on Ladies
Love Naughty Erika sneaking in from work xxxxxxx

 Message 20 of 27 in Discussion 
From: whitedove61Sent: 10/01/2008 18:56
What a wondeerful experience it was. I felt totally relaxed after doing it and i did really feel as though we part of each other. Left hand in which i held it all the time was tingly and got quite hot. I feel very protective of it and and i want to say he and i will get on very well.
I keep mine in a little red pouch, when i bought it i knew it had to go in a bag not sure hwy. When i asked what colour i got red and i had to sort through loads to find the right one it just felt right at the time
trace xx

 Message 21 of 27 in Discussion 
From: whitedove61Sent: 10/01/2008 18:58
Wheezie that was what i was looking for, thankyou. It felt like it was talking to when i saw it and also the bag and choice of colour

 Message 22 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 10/01/2008 21:09
Well done trace.
It's great to trust your instincts isn't it, and then get confirmation you were right to do so.
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 23 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 11/01/2008 22:23
did day one,
warm feeling in my hand,
yes  is side to side, no is back and forwards,
have mine in a purple and gold silk bag,

 Message 24 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 11/01/2008 22:28
Thats great Elaine.
Hope things are settling for you at home honey.
Love Erika
(and yes, I am going to bed this time LOL)
Nite Nite

 Message 25 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 11/01/2008 22:39
need a new pump, so no radiators till tuesday or wedsday,
like a walk in fridge  up stairs, braving it so i can use computor,lol

 Message 26 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 11/01/2008 22:42
msn playing up having trouble sending messages,
no heating till tuesday or wednesday as they needed to order a pump,
braving the cold upstairs to use computor,lol

 Message 27 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 11/01/2008 22:43
hi, sorry two messages , it said it wasnt sent,lol
see what i mean,

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