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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyper  (Original Message)Sent: 24/10/2007 13:43
on a night time i have unbelieveable heat in my feet , i think its because im not grounded properly,
any suggestions how to calm it down,
cant sleep because of it,
also if any body knows if its conected  the heat in my palms too,

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 24/10/2007 13:55
sounds like you chakras are working overtime when you relax
Try this little gem....
When you are in the shower, see the water all silver and let it flor evenly all over you from your head to your tiny toes.  Let the water run over your hands, first your palms, then the tops of them.  Keep seieng it all silver.
If you take a bath, can you fully submerge and see yourself in a cool silver bath for a few seconds?  Also epson salts or mineral salts in the bath will help ground you.
Stomping your feet and clapping your hands above your head can help too.
Have you checked out the ground/protect pages in the info section?
When you first start out it is very very improtant to get into good gorunding habits.  Just doing it before you meditate is not enough to hold spirit at bay to your command as they get as giddy as we do.....I still do my alignment twice a day and an extra one if i work in the light.  HOWEVER we are all different, and as you grow, so you and your guides/intuition will find things that work better for you, and on your own timscales.  Certainly though, at the start you need to really really get yourself in a place where you can ground quickly and easily (It doesnt have to be an obverly long or complicated ceremony) - it just makes the whole connection an even more empoering experience.
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 24/10/2007 15:19
hi erika,
been looking at crystals , and it on about black and dark red for help with grounding,
not sure what you mean by mineral salt, is it like sea salt granuals?
have been trying to imagine tree roots which has helped a bit,
but its hard to think when my feet feel like they burning off,lol
but its always when im in bed, never day time.

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 24/10/2007 15:39
Balck oisidian is an exellent stone for grounding - but its no good just picking it up at bedtime because your feet are hot LOL (Thats a bit like closing the stable door fter thehorse has bolted).
We all need to consicously ground for most of our day, otherwise when you relax and let go, it will all come rushing in andkeep you awake.  Does that make sense. (And rest assrued once you can get it down pat toa two minute monouvre, you'll be doing it without wondering am I grounded enough yet or even thinking about it)
I am going to look at my diary tonight when I get home, because I feel we need mini workshop/forum for this, its such a vital part of walking the spiritual path, we need to be able to all to come together and share our grounding and protection tips.
(I'm having a quiet day at work today - thank goodness LOL)
I'll be back LOL

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 24/10/2007 20:04
hi erika,
i have some crystals already and i  been carry one in my pocket for a bout 2 hours,
ive got a funny feeling in my heart chakra, so i think thats out of balance too,
should i stll carry the stone and will it help balance me out,
not doing very well am i,LOL
so many questions , so little time,lol

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 24/10/2007 20:18
I would put the stones away for now, and just carry the obsidian or hematite if you have it (if you haven't don't worry), and do the silver shower (you don't actually have to be in a reagular shower to do it - it just helps when you are starting out).  whenyou have felt the silve, surround yourself in a blue light (the light of the Archangel Michael) for protection and just breathe normally, berath in silver and blue and out silver and blue, keep your feet ont he floor, and wiggle your toes.  then break for a few minutes and do it again and DRINK LOTS OF WATER.
Hope this helps
Love Erika xxxxx

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom_hyperSent: 24/10/2007 20:37
thanks i will try what you suggested,

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