OK -- I thikn for now, what we can do is if anyone is aroudn and wants to chat, just post in the message board that you are in chat.
Christmas is approaching a heck of a lot faster than I thought, and I know how crazy it is for everyone jstu now, so having a defined time isn't going to work.
PLEASE Remember that you can read for each other in chat on an inpromptu basis when any of our approved readers are in the room, can I ask you not to read for each other if none of them are there, and refresh yourself of the chat guidelines (all on one page now) - this isn't us being big brother, or controlling at all, its purely in case any of the less experienced members need a hand with grounding and protection if you get a boiseterous connection. And can I ask all of you to ALWAYS ground and centre and protect BEFORE you click on the chat room link and go into the room - if you end up in a fully room with loads of energy flying around the place and haven't done the protection, you'll wind up feeling drained and queasy in no time at all, and likely with a thumping headache to boot. Remember, you may think you are just begininng your journey, but when we are all together in chat thats a VAST AMOUNT of psychic and centred energy to walk into.
I'll come in whenever I can, but with a sick hubby, a daughter with the sniffles and loads of christmas stuff to get ready, I'm not going to be able to sit in chat every night at the moment.
I just didn't want you all missing out because you're waiting for us to say hey guys heres the open circle chat schedule......
Love and light
Soldarath & Nova
(I'll keep this bumped up til every one knows whats going on)