On alternative Tuesdays I will post up a new Tarot Card and a detailed explaination of it's meaning.
For each card I will have a thread containg the card and it's definition, and in a separate thread will be the Q&A thread for that Card. We will leave the cards and their defintiions up here on site, but the Q&A will be moved to The Loft once the card is changed.
For the first month we won't be able to simulate a reading, but after that we will be able to play - in a new thread to avoid confusion - if you want to. I'll go into that when we get there and if there is enough interest.
How to join in:
For the first couple of days I want you to keep coming back and look at the card, and re-read the meaning. See if you can see the meaning in the card, if you can connect the words to the pictures - don't worry if you can't, never can - but I do see other stories in the cards and that is how I read my tarot deck. We are all different and there is no wrong way to read the cards. I find more and more that I use the book and it's definitions as a confirmation so to speak. (Which in traditional terms is probably not the way the cards were designed to be used, so really there is no expectation for you to read the cards in a given way). If you learn to let go and TRUST that little voice that tells you something as you look at the card you wont go far wrong.
When you feeling comfortable that you understand the meaning of the card, and maybe you saw/sensed something else too, please go to the Ineteractive thread for that card and share your experience. Remember that by reading the gist of the meaning of the card it may really get the energy flowing and other things may pop into your vision as you look at the card - it may even be different from one day to the next, that's why I want us to keep coming back and too each card over a week or two. Fell free to post everytime you see/sense something, the more we share, the more we'll learn.
Thats it, that's all there is to it.
If you have any questions at all about how to join in with it all, please post here.
Love and Light