The Magus represents energy which is dispatched, delivered, promoted and advanced. He represents the masculine component of the feminine energy of the High Priestess.
He is the messenger bringing understanding, the healer bringing resolution, and the disciplinariun bringing fairness and morality. He is the Champion of the miraculous, the arbitrator bringing intervention and the alleviator of dormancy and serious non-fulfilling attitudes.
The Magus symbolizes action and activity, creations and creativity, rationality and fate, reality and illusion, consciousness and unawareness, and above all, the energetically charged stimulus bringing motion and movement.
This is the card of messges and or sudden insights which bring the resolve of the consicous mind to bear upon the situation. A continuity in the intuitive messages being received by the sitter and whilst they might not fully undesrtand why or how, the messages are there for them to read, and perhaps act upon, themselves.
In order to receive these messges the sitter must 'keep their eyes on the ball' and look out for them, especailly in busy situations. Balance is needed and will be required to achieve a successful outcome. The sitter can use visualisation to actualise (materialise) that which they desire.
Error can be avoided via the recognistion of past experience and analysis of memories. In manifestation, as it is a card of movement and flux, the sitter should be advised that as with most things, the destination can be changed, with application and effort.
In short, movement and action with the end result of peace and harmony are guaranteed when the Magus makes an appearance in the spread.