The POP Room So you may ask, Soldarath what on EARTH is POP - well it's very simple it is: The Power Of Positvity * You know, the last thing you need to be told when you are feeling down in the dumps is to cheer up and think positive right? So instead of trying to be cheerful all the time, and face challenges, why not try it for ten minutes once, or even twice, a day (everyday) instead? There are always situations in our lives where we need a boost, a bit of help. Are you trying to quit smoking? Do you want to loose a few pounds? Would you like to feel good about yourself for once? Do you need to find patience with certain people? Do you need to find calm in your day, even if only for 5 minutes?
Any of a million situations can be helped with The POP Room. Its really very simple in it's origin too - all you have to do is for ten minutes, just BEFORE you go to sleep, find the positive in a given situation, make it into a short mantra and repeat if for those ten minutes. The human brain is very very clever. If you tell it that you are going to do something, and repeat if before you nod off at bedtime, it remembers excatly what you said and makes you act it out literally in your actions the following day. For example: I tried to give up smoking many many times, always saying I am going to stop smoking. The word my sub-conscious remembered was not stop, but smoking, and I found it harder and harder to give up. After reading about positive thought processes, I changed my nightly mantra to I will be SMOKE FREE. 4 months on I haven't had a cigarette, and I have saved over £'s - whilst it was hard at the start, it was no where near as hard as I though it would be. So, if you want a hand with the power of positive thought, and you want to bring it into your life to help make more in control of things that you would otherwise let get the better of you, post a message here, and I will try and help you find a posoitive phrase to say at bedtime (and again in the morning if you have time) to help you overcome the little obstacles in life that can sometimes make us unhappy. The best bit of all is that it is free, it wont cost you anything, and if you use humour and love with your mantras, it will make you chuckle at least once a day too. Love and Light Soldarath |