Hi everyone, Not sure if its in the right place and if not please feel free to move it but I would really like your opinions on this:
In April this year a very close family member passed away. Around a month or so ago I was watching a programme abour spirits and mediumship and I could suddenly see (not physically but in my mind) this person stood in her bedroom, looking very poorly, in a long pale green nightdress which was open at the front. I couldnt get this image from my mind and I was overwhelmed by sadness and actually cried.
The strange thing is that I never saw her before she passed as it was sudden and I have since been told that she spent the time before her death in bed (in this bedroom) and with a nightdress on - not sure if it was green but it was the same style.
What do you all think, was it just my mind being overactive or was it the person trying to tell me something?
Thank You