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Discussion : Visions
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesuzii_boo  (Original Message)Sent: 03/04/2008 21:57
Hi there my name is Suzie boo. i am a white witch that can see earth spirits and hear them thought wise. Any way in the past 4 months i have been seeing things. i have asked to help woodland folk. i know what you must be think is this girl nuts. Well you know what i think that a lot but i am being honest with you. Asked to help friends in need cast spell for people i dont no, that seem to work.
I am so interested in being abetter person and being happy. Without all this jaz honest. i hope some one here who is much wiser than me. Can tell what the hell is happening to me!

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 03/04/2008 22:58
Hi Suzi
Don't worry hun we won't think you are nuts for anything you share with us - everyone here understands how you feel and the ability to be open to speak here without ridicule is one of the things that makes the Group so special to me and many others. Don't underestimate how wise you are- everyone is wise about different things and we have all experienced different aspects of Spirit.
Is it a certain experience that is worrying you or the initial spirit contact in General?
Love  Nova xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesuzii_booSent: 03/04/2008 23:26
where do i begin, ok lets start with the woodland calling. Ok i was on a course one day at my boys school when i herd a calling said will you help us suzanne. i was like who are you. The  the visions started i could see little people and trees coming alive lots of things. I had to help them as they are choping down my wood. i said no because i dint no if i was nutts!. in the end did help. i feel so stupid some time talking about this. So i was told to take objects to the wood and leave them over night. i added spells to them. And the next day i collected them. You wont belive what i have in my woods. So i have sent them to a friends, and they say they can feel and see stuff. So i am not nuts.
so thats good but i do feel it some times.

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSpiritedSilverlightSent: 04/04/2008 09:47
As Nova said there is no such thing as a silly question, some of the experiances we have had ...well the men in white coats would have a feild day. So have no fear about talking with us.  You will understand more as you get to know
As for your calling? Well think about it we ask them for help and guidence in our work and as a white witch more so. So it only seems reasonable that they ask for help at times of need aswell.
 I live with a wood thats connected to my back garden and offten converse with the trees share energy and wisdom ((((Old Oakie)))) and nature spirits are all around.
If you can just accept that, for them to ask for your help, you must be able to help them. Or why would they ask. We all need to have faith in what we do no matter how strange it seems, or feels.
Its your journey hun and you will continue to learn and expand your knowlage and wisdom. The strange things they ask of you are for a reason. You dont need to understand why they ask this (understanding comes with time) just be happy with the knowlage that they must think your pretty special to ask for your help. Happy journeys hun
Love Silver xxxx

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 04/04/2008 20:15
I can only echo Nova and Silvers words honey.
You are not nuts, and nothing you ever share with us here will ever be thrown back at you or told 'well thats stupid'.
WE all walk our paths in the light and the most inportant thing to reemmber is to honour your inner light, if it feels right, and you can do it if spirit, or mother earth ask you to, then it is generally for a good reason.  Sometimes we might never know that reason, but it sure feels good when we have listened.  Too many times at the start of my journey i was like 'no way' as soon as i started to trust that inner voice (or calling) the connection deepened and i grew a heck of a lot.
Enjoy your journey hun, we may not be white witches here, so can't offer you the support as you would get it in a coven, but we sure as heck have big hearts and are happy to listen, and advise where we can.
Thank you so much for trusting us after such a short time with your experience.
Light attracts light, and we are all beacons of love here, you included, we are glad you are here.
Love Erika xxxxxxxx

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePewterMagicianSent: 04/04/2008 22:07
I don't know if spirit just takes on forms that different people would be less inclined to be afraid of.  I never saw "little people" like that before but I do have a friend, who is not into developing, tell me of an experience she had as a child.  She was about 7-8 yrs old and playing in a lane between two homes.  All of a sudden, there was a little man, like an elf of sorts with pointed ears and a trench coat!  He had his collar flipped up covering most of his face.  Under one arm he had the start of a ladder.  He began to scurry past her and she realised that there were many little men like him all carrying the ladder propped under their arm.  At that moment, she turned behind her and saw a little boy standing there in dead slience.  Frightened he turned and began to run away. 
She swore for years that it was a dream because it was just too impossilbe.  Until one day, as a young adult, she told her her dream to a group of her cousins.  Just then, one of them turned pale white.  He was the little boy....It was n't a dream at all.  It really did happen. 

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebrandybutter271Sent: 05/04/2008 15:38
Hi suzie, yes we are all nuts on here. he, he, he.

only joking,

its nice to have a place where we have all had paronormal experiences ,and can talk to like minded people about them. lol .Brandy xxxxx

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