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Old Geek's : ??? Where/What is our Spirit ???/Old Geek
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: Aprilborn  (Original Message)Sent: 1/11/2004 11:02 PM
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From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 11/22/2003 10:49 AM
Most religions are based on the concept of Spiritual World. Everyone can agree on more or less on the unicity of the material perceptible world. Our body have perceptible caracteristics that everybody can agree on. But what happens when we die? Our body has the same exact perceptible caracteristics in the instant before and after we die. We even hear about cases where "people have came back to life" after they were declared dead from tool assisted measurments. What happens when from one instant we are animated and the next we cease to be animated never to be animated again? From my readings of past religions, I have made a list of different beliefs about what/where that elusive imperceptible Anima/Spirit/Soul/Ghost can be found in us.
The breath,
The blood (the heart),
The semen (the bloodline), the DNA,
The mind,
The vital energy (electric or others).
Perosnaly I think that, if we have a Spirit, it won't be found in the space/time/mater/energy/information realm.
What do you think?

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AprilbornSent: 1/11/2004 11:02 PM
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From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 2:34 AM
second: some have looked at the task to memorise the Universe at the quantum informational level.....
Geek, just a very quick note...instead of computer think of it as a spiritual memory bank...i get back for the reasons why i think this to be likely..

Recommend Delete    Message 23 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 9:30 AM
i get back for the reasons why i think this to be likely..

Please bear with me Geek....though we’ve discussed many times.

As we are born with a "free will" we have no restrictions which roads we want to travel on. In our 6000 years of civilisation we have travelled (to generalize) the way of "get instead of give", with the outcome we all can observe. We stand on the brink of extinction through breaking the chain of nature and pollution of the planet alone, never mind the possibility of extinction through nuclear weapons.

My questions are " Why would a Creator create beings so inferior and destructive when he could have made "robots" to do jobs for him ?"

"What are the jobs that God wants us to do, once we are in his spiritual kingdom ? Are we to sing hymns all day ? "

I think these are valid questions.

Other questions like "What happens to all those atheists that have ever lived and live? Is God going to throw them into a lake of fire ? Or those people that have never even heard of God ?

Yet is a criminal—murderer, or whatever, going to hold any job in God’s spiritual kingdom ? Does God set conditions for being in his kingdom and why ?

Would God " immortalize " human beings with the risk of causing havoc in the heavens as well as the earth ?

So why are we here ? Could it be to develop character ? But what sort of character ...?

In those 6000 years, mankind (by it’s own behavior) has proved to have destructive traits. Hence the condition of the planet....surely this can’t be the right sort of character. Does God want us to learn through our own  experience ?

See what I am getting at ? Now if we have an immortal soul, where is it , which part of our body ? And what happens to it when the body dies? Does it float around the universe ? Or are our thoughts immortal ? If yes, what are these immortal thoughts going to do?

The human memory holds all the information about us (the memory is in the spirit).... my question "Could it be that it is this part which goes to a spiritual memory bank for a future resurrection ? The bible certainly speaks of more than one resurrection and Christ taught that all should be saved, that would include atheists....and those that never heard of God.

And Jesus said "We are saved through  FAITH" .

See what I mean ?

Recommend Delete    Message 24 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 1:13 PM
The human memory holds all the information about us (the memory is in the spirit).... my question "Could it be that it is this part which goes to a spiritual memory bank for a future resurrection ?
The human memory is like any other material mecanism full of failures and errors. Maybe there is a kind of "spiritual memory bank" in the heaven, but for it to keep all the infos about every aspect of our lives through eternal Live, it should be on a pefertion scale that "is not of this universe". So, except for the conceptual analogy, our present understanding of the workings of material memory are of no use with that spiritual memory which would have none of the constraints of its material equivalent .

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AprilbornSent: 1/11/2004 11:02 PM
Recommend Delete    Message 25 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 2:38 PM

As we are born with a "free will" we have no restrictions which roads we want to travel on. In our 6000 years of civilisation we have travelled (to generalize) the way of "get instead of give", with the outcome we all can observe. We stand on the brink of extinction through breaking the chain of nature and pollution of the planet alone, never mind the possibility of extinction through nuclear weapons.

We don't know much about all there is to be known about human life. An armageddon of western civilization does not equate neccessarily with humanity's extinction. Nuclear winter could indeed be harsh times, but life as successfully harder times. Pollution is at a global warning level, some places show signs of minor breakings in the chain of nature but although I can conceive of critical breakings from unrestrained destructive human fury, I don't think that we humans have reach enough of objective reality knowledges to be a fatal threat to our specie yet. 

My questions are " Why would a Creator create beings so inferior and destructive when he could have made "robots" to do jobs for him ?"

The whole Universe is imperfect, inferior and destructive. We are made from it, so there is no way better robots could have been made to do the jobs in this Universe. We have to get on with it. Our body and mind won't ever reach the perfection that our spirit is longing for. Something like "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

"What are the jobs that God wants us to do, once we are in his spiritual kingdom ? Are we to sing hymns all day ? "

Again, I don't think we can make any assumption on the spiritual kingdom based on earthly analogies. All I can suggest is "what would it be if everything was perfect and I didn't had to care for all the weaknesses of my body and all the stupidities of my mind?"

I think these are valid questions.

Other questions like "What happens to all those atheists that have ever lived and live? Is God going to throw them into a lake of fire ? Or those people that have never even heard of God ?

Again, this is confusion about what our mind knows and what our spirit knows. People that have never heard of God or Jesus do also long for a spiritual kingdom. They do also try to live in harmony with their neighbours. They do also have a sense of morality and are not more or less sinners than those that have heard of God through Jesus.

Yet is a criminal—murderer, or whatever, going to hold any job in God’s spiritual kingdom ? Does God set conditions for being in his kingdom and why ?

The only sin that won't be forgiven is the sin against the spirit, I don't know what it is and I hope you don't know either. What would happen is probably oblivion, because I suspect it has to do with playing with the capacity of a spirit to sustain eternal life.

Would God " immortalize " human beings with the risk of causing havoc in the heavens as well as the earth ?

We will be immortalize like "angels", no chance of havoc.

Recommend Delete    Message 26 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 4:03 PM

Our body and mind won't ever reach the perfection that our spirit is longing for. Something like "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

Yes I agree on this.

Again, I don't think we can make any assumption on the spiritual kingdom based on earthly analogies. All I can suggest is "what would it be if everything was perfect and I didn't had to care for all the weaknesses of my body and all the stupidities of my mind?"

Fair reply Geek.

Again, this is confusion about what our mind knows and what our spirit knows. People that have never heard of God or Jesus do also long for a spiritual kingdom. They do also try to live in harmony with their neighbours. They do also have a sense of morality and are not more or less sinners than those that have heard of God through Jesus.

I was not discriminating anyone, nor judging anybody, just trying to analize, the bible teaches, prove all things...i take this as to question things.

the bible certainly speaks of more than one resurrection and Christ taught that all should be saved, that would include atheists....and those that never heard of God.


We will be immortalize like "angels", no chance of havoc.

Geek, please don’t take this wrong, but how do you come to this conclusion ? The bible tells us of angels that did play havoc.


 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AprilbornSent: 1/11/2004 11:03 PM
Recommend Delete    Message 27 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 7:00 PM
I'm kind of sure no one of our human spirits would Will havoc in Heaven after our personal tasting of havoc on Earth. The ones that could wish that would have shoot themselves in the foot anyway in this life by playing with the true forbiden sin against the spirit, thus waisting their chance at eternal Life. That's why I don't want to know about sin against the spirit.
So, like some have said, this earthly existence is a kind of cleansing process where God is kind of putting his/hers/its spiritual cells into some kind of sin cleanser that would either wash up the tainted ones and definitively get rid of the true cancerous ones.

Recommend Delete    Message 28 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/9/2003 5:36 AM
geek, i find it sad that jerry has left, it isn't the same without him. It's a great pity. And it started off so promising.. What did go wrong ? Why did he throw in the towel so quickly ?
To return to the topic
I'm kind of sure no one of our human spirits would Will havoc in Heaven after our personal tasting of havoc on Earth.

Yes Geek, this was the issue i tried to raise.

The ones that could wish that would have shoot themselves in the foot anyway in this life by playing with the true forbiden sin against the spirit, thus waisting their chance at eternal Life. That's why I don't want to know about sin against the spirit.

I don’t know what you are trying to say, If seeking answers and questioning biblical issues is the object then i would disagree. God says that sin is the transgression of his laws and this makes sense to me, for the breaking of them has caused enough havoc already on this earth, when you "really" examine it. Look at all the problems and look behind  what really causes them ?

So, like some have said, this earthly existence is a kind of cleansing process where God is kind of putting his/hers/its spiritual cells into some kind of sin cleanser that would either wash up the tainted ones and definitively get rid of the true cancerous ones.

When the rich young nobleman came to Christ and asked Him,

"Good Master,what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" Christ answered, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments".

Geek i think "if" the world is judged now, then the devil has won...

Recommend Delete    Message 29 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/9/2003 7:06 AM
"Good Master,what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" Christ answered, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments".
that one was telling to me. First there is no way to be really Good on Earth, the imperfection of the world will always lead us to erronous actions. But keep the commandments, that will help us not falling in true Error. Willing the world better than it is would be fruitless, we can only keep ourselves neat. Contrary to many, I don't believe that the Devil had won anything. Because of the "Star System" that filters news of events in the media, we are made to perceive the world as getting worst. Only a self-inflicted delusion, there is nothing new under the sun. It's the same crap going on in people's lives with the same frequency of good/bad events that was going on in the Roman Empire when Jesus came along.
We have just started to objectively learn about ourselves. There is a long road ahead of shattered "theories of everything". His words won't pass.
about jerry,
I'm sorry that he left. My guess is that he is kind of allergic to certain theories that are based on alleged historic cover-up activities of a well known ethnic group. I didn't read the deleted thread, but knowing him, only that kind of posting would have made him lose his temper with that baby of his (The Synod).

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From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/9/2003 8:37 AM

that one was telling to me. First there is no way to be really Good on Earth, the imperfection of the world will always lead us to erronous actions. But keep the commandments, that will help us not falling in true Error. Willing the world better than it is would be fruitless, we can only keep ourselves neat.

Wise words Geek.

Contrary to many, I don't believe that the Devil had won anything.

Neither do I, reason being .... i believe God to be in charge of all things and whatever is happining is within the purpose of his plan.

Because of the "Star System" that filters news of events in the media, we are made to perceive the world as getting worst. Only a self-inflicted delusion, there is nothing new under the sun. It's the same crap going on in people's lives with the same frequency of good/bad events that was going on in the Roman Empire when Jesus came along.

I take your point, but please read Mt. 24

We have just started to objectively learn about ourselves. There is a long road ahead of shattered "theories of everything".

His words won't pass.

I agree Geek.

about jerry,

I'm sorry that he left. My guess is that he is kind of allergic to certain theories that are based on alleged historic cover-up activities of a well known ethnic group. I didn't read the deleted thread, but knowing him, only that kind of posting would have made him lose his temper with that baby of his (The Synod).

I have not read it either, but i must admit, some of these conspiracy theories are well over the top.


Recommend Delete    Message 31 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/9/2003 8:53 AM

Wise words Geek.

Ps. Having said this, good education would be a start of helping people to "avoid" problems rather than "solving" them.

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AprilbornSent: 1/11/2004 11:04 PM
Recommend Delete    Message 33 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/10/2003 1:41 AM
You are pretty smart
Of course, you are kidding, my smartness comes from the bible that so many hate. That leaves little credit for me, nuch blessing has come our way because of it, though.

Recommend Delete    Message 34 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/10/2003 7:41 AM
I told you so also.
The Bible so many hate, they hate it because of others using it in unwise manners for unwise purposes. Some credits should go to you.

Recommend Delete    Message 35 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/10/2003 8:25 AM
How nice of you Francois, thank you !

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