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UPW roleplays : LOP Post 3
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥●ŃàūĝħťŷĂńģĕł•♥  (Original Message)Sent: 12/28/2008 6:19 PM
The last time we saw Kaylee Adams we were catching up with her hetic week that she had which left off at Christmas with her family. Morning came on the friday and Kaylee was once again off and running. This time she was headed back to the west coast for a few more appearances and then the event itself. SHe gives everyone a hug and then starts to talk.
I am sorry that I cant stay longer
We understand Kaylee. You got a job to do.
Yeah we will celebrate more when you bring home that title.
True we will have one bad ass bash.
I want to come Auntie? Mommy can I go with AUntie Kaylee?
[gets down to he litle girls level and starts to alk] Honey I would love nothing more then to take you with me, but I am going to be so busy and I cant keep a good eye on you. But I will make you a deal. When I get
back I will pick you up from Mommy's house and you can come and stay with me. I promise.
Kaylee gives the litle girl a hug and then grabs her things heading out the door. She gets into the black Escalade and is once again on her way to the airport

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥●ŃàūĝħťŷĂńģĕł•♥Sent: 12/28/2008 8:15 PM
The last time we saw Kaylee Adams we were catching up with her hetic week that she had which left off at Christmas with her family. Morning came on the friday and Kaylee was once again off and running. This time she was headed back to the west coast for a few more appearances and then the event itself. SHe gives everyone a hug and then starts to talk.
I am sorry that I cant stay longer
We understand Kaylee. You got a job to do.
Yeah we will celebrate more when you bring home that title.
True we will have one bad ass bash.
I want to come Auntie? Mommy can I go with AUntie Kaylee?
[gets down to he litle girls level and starts to alk] Honey I would love nothing more then to take you with me, but I am going to be so busy and I cant keep a good eye on you. But I will make you a deal. When I get
back I will pick you up from Mommy's house and you can come and stay with me. I promise.
Kaylee gives the litle girl a hug and then grabs her things heading out the door. She gets into the black Escalade and is once again on her way to the airport to head back to Los Angeles. Arriving at Logan airport she checks her luggage then walks through security being held up for a moment because she forgot to take off her charm bracelet. Being cleared after that she sits in the corner of the terminal waiting for her boarding. Deciding to buy some magazines she walks into the stand and buys several of them placing them on her credit card. The guy behind the desk asks for an autograph and she does so in an attempt to not get noticed more. The Airline calls the boarding and Kaylee gets onto the plane and takes her seat in first class. Setting her things in the compartment Kaylee buckles in and then places in her earbuds from her Ipod. She quickly settles on a song and closes her eyes waiting for take off. Truth be told she was definately umcomfortable on the take off and landings and this was the best way for her to get over it. The plane finally levels off and Kaylee removes her blackberry from her purse and begins to look at the schedule that she was faxed over. Apparently she had just enough time to check into the hotel and freshen up before she was scheduled to appear at the UPW Fan Axxess event which was being held downtown in the middle of Los Angeles. Making a mental note on what she wants to wear Kaylee reaches inside of her bag and removed the magazines. Flipping through them one by one she makes down what she wants to buy and for whom. Finishing up with that she looks out at the clouds and listens to a conversation over heard between three little kids.
&Little Girl #1&
No No I told you already Lucky is going to win. Kaylee took that nasty fall off the stage last week.
&Little Boy&
WEll the only reason why she took the fall was because Lucky feels threatened by her.
&Little Girl #2&
No I told you Dakota is going to win she has the advantage she didnt wrestle last week.
How about you all just sit there and watch the movie and stop talking. We will see who wins this weekend.
Kaylee chuckles and pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil. She starts to write
You are making the right decision Lucky and Dakota arent going to win.
Kaylee Adams
She folds the paper in half and then calls over the attendant. Kaylee hands him the paper and shows him where to give it and who to give it to. She removes the glasses from her face when the little boy screams and starts to look around. Kaylee smiles and then looks back at the book that she just pulled out and not a word is ushered the rest of the flight. The plane touches down and Kaylee grabs her things and gets off the plane heading right down to gather the rest of her stuff before stepping out into the warm california air. She removes her sweater and places it in her carry on bag leaving her in just a T-shirt. Walking towards the limousine area Kaylee spots the person with her name on it and handed him her luggage. She got into the backseat and soon they were off traveling to the Raffles L'Ermitage located in the middle of Beverly Hilly. They arrive at the hotel and a hotel bellhop comes out and takes her bags from the driver. She tells the driver she will only be about twenty minutes and walks into the hotel. After Checking in at the front desk Kaylee found out she was booked in a Beverly Suite on one of the top floors. She followed the bell hop to the elevators and then out onto the floor where her room was. Kaylee handed him the key to her room and he placed everything down before handing her back her key. She handed him a tip an then made her way into the bedroom. Kaylee picked up her bag and removed a pair of black bell bottom low rise jeans and a baby doll T shirt- She changes quickly and then runs her hand through her hair. Placing on her boots Kaylee grabs her sunglasses and then slips her key card in her back pocket. Walking back out of the hotel she gets back into the car and take off towards downtown LA. Upon arriving Kaylee is ushered into a building waiting to be announced. She gets her cue and the Man starts to talk.
And out next we have a woman who will be participating in the triple threat match for the womens title. Please Welcome Kaylee Adams.
Kaylee comes out from the tent and walks along the path that leads to the ring that is set up. She walks up the stairs and gets inside the ring. Judging from the chorus of boos they really dont like Kaylee right now. She is handed a microphone and Kaylee starts to talk.
Come on what is with the hostility you all cant really hate me because I am going to win? Is that the reason or is it that you all want to be in the position that I am in? Ah who the fuck cares I am here and you are there and that is how its going to be for the rest of your pathetic lives. Like this nice Genteleman said this weekend I am involved in a hellacious triple threat match for the UPW Women;s Championship. I am up againt Dakota Huntress and Resident Champ and I use that word loosely Lucky Monaco-Cage. It doesnt matter who it is I have to pin but I will walk out the champion. Now if you guys are going to be nice I might let you ask a few questions.
Kaylee points to a girl in the audience who is about 14. She listens as the girl starts to talk
Kaylee I have to think you hit i right on the nail. They all want to be you I think the big thing people are wondering about is how your doing after the illucid attack Lucky hit on you?
I am here I am wrestling that should tell you enough. Next question?
&Little Boy&
Kaylee why do you have to be such a bitch?
Thats how I am? When you are as good looking and as talented as me and you can back up everything you say then I have a reason to be one. Why doesnt your mother wash your mouth out with soap. Next Question?
&Younger Girl&
Kaylee you gave my cousin a note on the plane why didnt I get one?
Cause you doubted me. Simple as that.  Now I am tired of answering questions I have had a long day so I will be signing autographs in the booth over there for the next hour after that its over.
Kaylee gets out of the ring and then starts to walk across to the booth, however, her journey is stopped when she is all of a sudden a wet mess from some jerk throwing their water at her. Security escorts him out of the area and Kaylee is handed a UPW T-shirt from a staff member and sent to change. She finally gets into the booth and takes out her stamp to "sign" autographs. The line moves quickly and Kaylee has decided she had enough and gets up starting to leave. The staff member tells them that Kaylee is a very busy woman and has things she needs to do. The crowd boos and Kaylee gets back into her car and is escorted back to her hotel room. Arriving she walks over to the front desk and schedules herself for a in room massage. Kaylee walks up to her room and changes into her terry cloth. She no sooner has a seat on the couch then ehars a knock on her door. Opening it up she sees that it is the massuse and they penciled her in quickly. He sets up the table and then hands Kaylee a towel to throw on. She gets on the table and a blanket is placed on her lower half and the man starts to go to work trying to get out all the knots and kinks in her back. He moves his way down to her lower half and starts with her legs. Soon he is working on her shoulders and the session is over. She thanks him and then sinks herself into a nice hot bath. Soaking for every minute she can just to get herself more relaxed. Finally getting out she dressed in a pair of red  boy shorts and a red tank top that shows off her stomach. Kaylee orders in some room service and then turns on the television waiting to see if she can find anything. She eats her dinner and then does some stretching before finally getting into the comfortable bed. That night Kaylee fell asleep dreaming of nothing but sweet things family, friends and finally achieveing greatness once again. Morning comes and we have finally caught up with Kaylee Adams fresh time. She is up and running around her room picking out everything that she needs for the day. She packs them into her two smaller bags and then walks into the bathroom coming out moments later with her tooth brush in her mouth. She picks something else outta her bag and places it in the other one and runs back into the bathroom. Kaylee comes out a little later refereshed and dressed in a simply pair of blue jeans and a white babydoll Tee. She grabs her bags and then leaves heading out the door. She gets outside and sees the car from yesterday already waiting for her. Kaylee enters the vehicle and they start off towards the Staples Center. The ring from the other day was taken down and there was the superstar entrance which was already lined with fans. Kaylee asked to be let out and the driver did as he was told. She pulled her bags behind her and walked through the line signing no autographs. Entering the arena she contined on her way to her locker room and soon entered into that. As soon as she entered there was knock on her door and she opened it to see a doctor standing there. Allowing him inside she looks at him and starts to talk.
Can I help you?
Yes Miss Adams I am here just to perform a routine follow up on your injuries sustained last week.
Your kidding me right?
Im afraid not. I need to make sure that you are in able condition to wrestle.
Kaylee lets out a hugh sigh and the scene fades away into voices being heard. A little while later the feed comes back and Kaylee doesnt have a nice look on her face. One can only tell by looking at her that she was not happy with the decision the doctor had made. AT that time there was yet another knock on the door only this time it was resident dumbass or interviewer Tracy Beckett standing there with a mic in her hand. Kaylee looks at her and starts to talk.
What do you want cant you see im busy?
Well the world wants to get your comments about Lucky and Dakota as well as to know if you are medically cleared to compete tonight. Not to mention your assistant said right now was a good time.
Well as you can see its not so goodbye.
Kaylee tries to shut the door but Tracy stops her. She tries again and the same thing happened. Knowing that she isnt going to be let off the hook

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥●ŃàūĝħťŷĂńģĕł•♥Sent: 12/28/2008 8:34 PM
The last time we saw Kaylee Adams we were catching up with her hetic week that she had which left off at Christmas with her family. Morning came on the friday and Kaylee was once again off and running. This time she was headed back to the west coast for a few more appearances and then the event itself. SHe gives everyone a hug and then starts to talk.
I am sorry that I cant stay longer
We understand Kaylee. You got a job to do.
Yeah we will celebrate more when you bring home that title.
True we will have one bad ass bash.
I want to come Auntie? Mommy can I go with AUntie Kaylee?
[gets down to he litle girls level and starts to alk] Honey I would love nothing more then to take you with me, but I am going to be so busy and I cant keep a good eye on you. But I will make you a deal. When I get
back I will pick you up from Mommy's house and you can come and stay with me. I promise.
Kaylee gives the litle girl a hug and then grabs her things heading out the door. She gets into the black Escalade and is once again on her way to the airport to head back to Los Angeles. Arriving at Logan airport she checks her luggage then walks through security being held up for a moment because she forgot to take off her charm bracelet. Being cleared after that she sits in the corner of the terminal waiting for her boarding. Deciding to buy some magazines she walks into the stand and buys several of them placing them on her credit card. The guy behind the desk asks for an autograph and she does so in an attempt to not get noticed more. The Airline calls the boarding and Kaylee gets onto the plane and takes her seat in first class. Setting her things in the compartment Kaylee buckles in and then places in her earbuds from her Ipod. She quickly settles on a song and closes her eyes waiting for take off. Truth be told she was definately umcomfortable on the take off and landings and this was the best way for her to get over it. The plane finally levels off and Kaylee removes her blackberry from her purse and begins to look at the schedule that she was faxed over. Apparently she had just enough time to check into the hotel and freshen up before she was scheduled to appear at the UPW Fan Axxess event which was being held downtown in the middle of Los Angeles. Making a mental note on what she wants to wear Kaylee reaches inside of her bag and removed the magazines. Flipping through them one by one she makes down what she wants to buy and for whom. Finishing up with that she looks out at the clouds and listens to a conversation over heard between three little kids.
&Little Girl #1&
No No I told you already Lucky is going to win. Kaylee took that nasty fall off the stage last week.
&Little Boy&
WEll the only reason why she took the fall was because Lucky feels threatened by her.
&Little Girl #2&
No I told you Dakota is going to win she has the advantage she didnt wrestle last week.
How about you all just sit there and watch the movie and stop talking. We will see who wins this weekend.
Kaylee chuckles and pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil. She starts to write
You are making the right decision Lucky and Dakota arent going to win.
Kaylee Adams
She folds the paper in half and then calls over the attendant. Kaylee hands him the paper and shows him where to give it and who to give it to. She removes the glasses from her face when the little boy screams and starts to look around. Kaylee smiles and then looks back at the book that she just pulled out and not a word is ushered the rest of the flight. The plane touches down and Kaylee grabs her things and gets off the plane heading right down to gather the rest of her stuff before stepping out into the warm california air. She removes her sweater and places it in her carry on bag leaving her in just a T-shirt. Walking towards the limousine area Kaylee spots the person with her name on it and handed him her luggage. She got into the backseat and soon they were off traveling to the Raffles L'Ermitage located in the middle of Beverly Hilly. They arrive at the hotel and a hotel bellhop comes out and takes her bags from the driver. She tells the driver she will only be about twenty minutes and walks into the hotel. After Checking in at the front desk Kaylee found out she was booked in a Beverly Suite on one of the top floors. She followed the bell hop to the elevators and then out onto the floor where her room was. Kaylee handed him the key to her room and he placed everything down before handing her back her key. She handed him a tip an then made her way into the bedroom. Kaylee picked up her bag and removed a pair of black bell bottom low rise jeans and a baby doll T shirt- She changes quickly and then runs her hand through her hair. Placing on her boots Kaylee grabs her sunglasses and then slips her key card in her back pocket. Walking back out of the hotel she gets back into the car and take off towards downtown LA. Upon arriving Kaylee is ushered into a building waiting to be announced. She gets her cue and the Man starts to talk.
And out next we have a woman who will be participating in the triple threat match for the womens title. Please Welcome Kaylee Adams.
Kaylee comes out from the tent and walks along the path that leads to the ring that is set up. She walks up the stairs and gets inside the ring. Judging from the chorus of boos they really dont like Kaylee right now. She is handed a microphone and Kaylee starts to talk.
Come on what is with the hostility you all cant really hate me because I am going to win? Is that the reason or is it that you all want to be in the position that I am in? Ah who the fuck cares I am here and you are there and that is how its going to be for the rest of your pathetic lives. Like this nice Genteleman said this weekend I am involved in a hellacious triple threat match for the UPW Women;s Championship. I am up againt Dakota Huntress and Resident Champ and I use that word loosely Lucky Monaco-Cage. It doesnt matter who it is I have to pin but I will walk out the champion. Now if you guys are going to be nice I might let you ask a few questions.
Kaylee points to a girl in the audience who is about 14. She listens as the girl starts to talk
Kaylee I have to think you hit i right on the nail. They all want to be you I think the big thing people are wondering about is how your doing after the illucid attack Lucky hit on you?
I am here I am wrestling that should tell you enough. Next question?
&Little Boy&
Kaylee why do you have to be such a bitch?
Thats how I am? When you are as good looking and as talented as me and you can back up everything you say then I have a reason to be one. Why doesnt your mother wash your mouth out with soap. Next Question?
&Younger Girl&
Kaylee you gave my cousin a note on the plane why didnt I get one?
Cause you doubted me. Simple as that.  Now I am tired of answering questions I have had a long day so I will be signing autographs in the booth over there for the next hour after that its over.
Kaylee gets out of the ring and then starts to walk across to the booth, however, her journey is stopped when she is all of a sudden a wet mess from some jerk throwing their water at her. Security escorts him out of the area and Kaylee is handed a UPW T-shirt from a staff member and sent to change. She finally gets into the booth and takes out her stamp to "sign" autographs. The line moves quickly and Kaylee has decided she had enough and gets up starting to leave. The staff member tells them that Kaylee is a very busy woman and has things she needs to do. The crowd boos and Kaylee gets back into her car and is escorted back to her hotel room. Arriving she walks over to the front desk and schedules herself for a in room massage. Kaylee walks up to her room and changes into her terry cloth. She no sooner has a seat on the couch then ehars a knock on her door. Opening it up she sees that it is the massuse and they penciled her in quickly. He sets up the table and then hands Kaylee a towel to throw on. She gets on the table and a blanket is placed on her lower half and the man starts to go to work trying to get out all the knots and kinks in her back. He moves his way down to her lower half and starts with her legs. Soon he is working on her shoulders and the session is over. She thanks him and then sinks herself into a nice hot bath. Soaking for every minute she can just to get herself more relaxed. Finally getting out she dressed in a pair of red  boy shorts and a red tank top that shows off her stomach. Kaylee orders in some room service and then turns on the television waiting to see if she can find anything. She eats her dinner and then does some stretching before finally getting into the comfortable bed. That night Kaylee fell asleep dreaming of nothing but sweet things family, friends and finally achieveing greatness once again. Morning comes and we have finally caught up with Kaylee Adams fresh time. She is up and running around her room picking out everything that she needs for the day. She packs them into her two smaller bags and then walks into the bathroom coming out moments later with her tooth brush in her mouth. She picks something else outta her bag and places it in the other one and runs back into the bathroom. Kaylee comes out a little later refereshed and dressed in a simply pair of blue jeans and a white babydoll Tee. She grabs her bags and then leaves heading out the door. She gets outside and sees the car from yesterday already waiting for her. Kaylee enters the vehicle and they start off towards the Staples Center. The ring from the other day was taken down and there was the superstar entrance which was already lined with fans. Kaylee asked to be let out and the driver did as he was told. She pulled her bags behind her and walked through the line signing no autographs. Entering the arena she contined on her way to her locker room and soon entered into that. As soon as she entered there was knock on her door and she opened it to see a doctor standing there. Allowing him inside she looks at him and starts to talk.
Can I help you?
Yes Miss Adams I am here just to perform a routine follow up on your injuries sustained last week.
Your kidding me right?
Im afraid not. I need to make sure that you are in able condition to wrestle.
Kaylee lets out a hugh sigh and the scene fades away into voices being heard. A little while later the feed comes back and Kaylee doesnt have a nice look on her face. One can only tell by looking at her that she was not happy with the decision the doctor had made. AT that time there was yet another knock on the door only this time it was resident dumbass or interviewer Tracy Beckett standing there with a mic in her hand. Kaylee looks at her and starts to talk.
What do you want cant you see im busy?
Well the world wants to get your comments about Lucky and Dakota as well as to know if you are medically cleared to compete tonight. Not to mention your assistant said right now was a good time.
Well as you can see its not so goodbye.
Kaylee tries to shut the door but Tracy stops her. She tries again and the same thing happened. Knowing that she isnt going to be let off the hook she reluctantly follows Tracy to the section that has been designated to be the interview area. Kayle looks at her and then back at the cameraman as he starts to talk.
Okay guys lets try to get this all in one take. I know Miss Adams doesnt appreciate us wasting her time [winks at Kaylee]
Tony you wink at me again and I can guarantee that you wont be having children ever GOT IT. [Tony nods] Good now lets get this over.
Right Kaylee were going to start in like 20 seconds I am going to show you the footage done by Lucky and Dakota and ask you some questions.
Kaylee nods and then watches as the man counts down and Tracy starts to talk.
Ladies and Gentelemen standing with me now is a diva who has been on quite a roll since her debut in the company a short six weeks ago. Please welcome Kaylee Adams. Kaylee thank you for your time.
Yeah well it didnt seem I had much choice. Now can we get this over with?
Right well I know you have been busy this past week doing your appearances and everything but we were wondering did you have anything to say in rebuttle to Lucky and Dakota? They had some pretty interesting things to say about you?
I havent heard anything as a matter of fact I try my hardest to make sure that I dont listen to their idiotic babble.
Well here is some of the footage that was taken.
Tracy has them roll the footage on the screen and Kaylee cant help but smirk at some of the stuff that was said. As it goes to black Kaylee looks at Tracy and starts to talk.
See Tracy this is why I dont like listening to this stuff. All they did was really piss me off.
But Dakota does have a legitimate excuse. Are you cleared to wrestle are you at 100%?
For those who need to know last week I wasnt cleared and now I am so you have no problems with that ascpect of the match.
Thats good. Have you decided what your plan is for this match?
My plan is to go in and win the match. Simple as that
Cant be that simple.  Lucky has held that title for most of the year do you really think she isg oing to give it up?
She wont have a choice I beat her three weeks ago and I beat her the week after she really needs to know that I am better.
And Dakota she has been chasing this dream since she came in the company
There is a key word in that sentence Tracy CHASING. You see it appears to me that Dakota can never get the job done. There are some very different things between Dakota and I. Dakota will always be at the bottom trying to fight her way out of the hole while I am out and already up at the top. Dakota needs to realize she dont stand a chance in this match.
You do have to admit Kaylee that she is the underdog of this match and she might just pull it off.
[chuckles] Not going to happen keep dreaming sweetie. Maybe one day when the world has died and the company consists of all jobbers she can win but as long as Im here she stands no chance.
Things have happened before. Crazy things.
Yeah like you thinking your smart this interview is over Tracy have a nice day.
Kaylee simply walks away and back down the hallway. She grabs a bottle of water and then once again walks the hallways heading back to her locker room. Kaylee enters inside and closes the door the scene fading away.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥●ŃàūĝħťŷĂńģĕł•♥Sent: 12/28/2008 8:38 PM
The last time we saw Kaylee Adams we were catching up with her hetic week that she had which left off at Christmas with her family. Morning came on the friday and Kaylee was once again off and running. This time she was headed back to the west coast for a few more appearances and then the event itself. SHe gives everyone a hug and then starts to talk.
I am sorry that I cant stay longer
We understand Kaylee. You got a job to do.
Yeah we will celebrate more when you bring home that title.
True we will have one bad ass bash.
I want to come Auntie? Mommy can I go with AUntie Kaylee?
[gets down to he litle girls level and starts to alk] Honey I would love nothing more then to take you with me, but I am going to be so busy and I cant keep a good eye on you. But I will make you a deal. When I get
back I will pick you up from Mommy's house and you can come and stay with me. I promise.
Kaylee gives the litle girl a hug and then grabs her things heading out the door. She gets into the black Escalade and is once again on her way to the airport to head back to Los Angeles. Arriving at Logan airport she checks her luggage then walks through security being held up for a moment because she forgot to take off her charm bracelet. Being cleared after that she sits in the corner of the terminal waiting for her boarding. Deciding to buy some magazines she walks into the stand and buys several of them placing them on her credit card. The guy behind the desk asks for an autograph and she does so in an attempt to not get noticed more. The Airline calls the boarding and Kaylee gets onto the plane and takes her seat in first class. Setting her things in the compartment Kaylee buckles in and then places in her earbuds from her Ipod. She quickly settles on a song and closes her eyes waiting for take off. Truth be told she was definately umcomfortable on the take off and landings and this was the best way for her to get over it. The plane finally levels off and Kaylee removes her blackberry from her purse and begins to look at the schedule that she was faxed over. Apparently she had just enough time to check into the hotel and freshen up before she was scheduled to appear at the UPW Fan Axxess event which was being held downtown in the middle of Los Angeles. Making a mental note on what she wants to wear Kaylee reaches inside of her bag and removed the magazines. Flipping through them one by one she makes down what she wants to buy and for whom. Finishing up with that she looks out at the clouds and listens to a conversation over heard between three little kids.
&Little Girl #1&
No No I told you already Lucky is going to win. Kaylee took that nasty fall off the stage last week.
&Little Boy&
WEll the only reason why she took the fall was because Lucky feels threatened by her.
&Little Girl #2&
No I told you Dakota is going to win she has the advantage she didnt wrestle last week.
How about you all just sit there and watch the movie and stop talking. We will see who wins this weekend.
Kaylee chuckles and pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil. She starts to write
You are making the right decision Lucky and Dakota arent going to win.
Kaylee Adams
She folds the paper in half and then calls over the attendant. Kaylee hands him the paper and shows him where to give it and who to give it to. She removes the glasses from her face when the little boy screams and starts to look around. Kaylee smiles and then looks back at the book that she just pulled out and not a word is ushered the rest of the flight. The plane touches down and Kaylee grabs her things and gets off the plane heading right down to gather the rest of her stuff before stepping out into the warm california air. She removes her sweater and places it in her carry on bag leaving her in just a T-shirt. Walking towards the limousine area Kaylee spots the person with her name on it and handed him her luggage. She got into the backseat and soon they were off traveling to the Raffles L'Ermitage located in the middle of Beverly Hilly. They arrive at the hotel and a hotel bellhop comes out and takes her bags from the driver. She tells the driver she will only be about twenty minutes and walks into the hotel. After Checking in at the front desk Kaylee found out she was booked in a Beverly Suite on one of the top floors. She followed the bell hop to the elevators and then out onto the floor where her room was. Kaylee handed him the key to her room and he placed everything down before handing her back her key. She handed him a tip an then made her way into the bedroom. Kaylee picked up her bag and removed a pair of black bell bottom low rise jeans and a baby doll T shirt- She changes quickly and then runs her hand through her hair. Placing on her boots Kaylee grabs her sunglasses and then slips her key card in her back pocket. Walking back out of the hotel she gets back into the car and take off towards downtown LA. Upon arriving Kaylee is ushered into a building waiting to be announced. She gets her cue and the Man starts to talk.
And out next we have a woman who will be participating in the triple threat match for the womens title. Please Welcome Kaylee Adams.
Kaylee comes out from the tent and walks along the path that leads to the ring that is set up. She walks up the stairs and gets inside the ring. Judging from the chorus of boos they really dont like Kaylee right now. She is handed a microphone and Kaylee starts to talk.
Come on what is with the hostility you all cant really hate me because I am going to win? Is that the reason or is it that you all want to be in the position that I am in? Ah who the fuck cares I am here and you are there and that is how its going to be for the rest of your pathetic lives. Like this nice Genteleman said this weekend I am involved in a hellacious triple threat match for the UPW Women;s Championship. I am up againt Dakota Huntress and Resident Champ and I use that word loosely Lucky Monaco-Cage. It doesnt matter who it is I have to pin but I will walk out the champion. Now if you guys are going to be nice I might let you ask a few questions.
Kaylee points to a girl in the audience who is about 14. She listens as the girl starts to talk
Kaylee I have to think you hit i right on the nail. They all want to be you I think the big thing people are wondering about is how your doing after the illucid attack Lucky hit on you?
I am here I am wrestling that should tell you enough. Next question?
&Little Boy&
Kaylee why do you have to be such a bitch?
Thats how I am? When you are as good looking and as talented as me and you can back up everything you say then I have a reason to be one. Why doesnt your mother wash your mouth out with soap. Next Question?
&Younger Girl&
Kaylee you gave my cousin a note on the plane why didnt I get one?
Cause you doubted me. Simple as that.  Now I am tired of answering questions I have had a long day so I will be signing autographs in the booth over there for the next hour after that its over.
Kaylee gets out of the ring and then starts to walk across to the booth, however, her journey is stopped when she is all of a sudden a wet mess from some jerk throwing their water at her. Security escorts him out of the area and Kaylee is handed a UPW T-shirt from a staff member and sent to change. She finally gets into the booth and takes out her stamp to "sign" autographs. The line moves quickly and Kaylee has decided she had enough and gets up starting to leave. The staff member tells them that Kaylee is a very busy woman and has things she needs to do. The crowd boos and Kaylee gets back into her car and is escorted back to her hotel room. Arriving she walks over to the front desk and schedules herself for a in room massage. Kaylee walks up to her room and changes into her terry cloth. She no sooner has a seat on the couch then ehars a knock on her door. Opening it up she sees that it is the massuse and they penciled her in quickly. He sets up the table and then hands Kaylee a towel to throw on. She gets on the table and a blanket is placed on her lower half and the man starts to go to work trying to get out all the knots and kinks in her back. He moves his way down to her lower half and starts with her legs. Soon he is working on her shoulders and the session is over. She thanks him and then sinks herself into a nice hot bath. Soaking for every minute she can just to get herself more relaxed. Finally getting out she dressed in a pair of red  boy shorts and a red tank top that shows off her stomach. Kaylee orders in some room service and then turns on the television waiting to see if she can find anything. She eats her dinner and then does some stretching before finally getting into the comfortable bed. That night Kaylee fell asleep dreaming of nothing but sweet things family, friends and finally achieveing greatness once again. Morning comes and we have finally caught up with Kaylee Adams fresh time. She is up and running around her room picking out everything that she needs for the day. She packs them into her two smaller bags and then walks into the bathroom coming out moments later with her tooth brush in her mouth. She picks something else outta her bag and places it in the other one and runs back into the bathroom. Kaylee comes out a little later refereshed and dressed in a simply pair of blue jeans and a white babydoll Tee. She grabs her bags and then leaves heading out the door. She gets outside and sees the car from yesterday already waiting for her. Kaylee enters the vehicle and they start off towards the Staples Center. The ring from the other day was taken down and there was the superstar entrance which was already lined with fans. Kaylee asked to be let out and the driver did as he was told. She pulled her bags behind her and walked through the line signing no autographs. Entering the arena she contined on her way to her locker room and soon entered into that. As soon as she entered there was knock on her door and she opened it to see a doctor standing there. Allowing him inside she looks at him and starts to talk.
Can I help you?
Yes Miss Adams I am here just to perform a routine follow up on your injuries sustained last week.
Your kidding me right?
Im afraid not. I need to make sure that you are in able condition to wrestle.
Kaylee lets out a hugh sigh and the scene fades away into voices being heard. A little while later the feed comes back and Kaylee doesnt have a nice look on her face. One can only tell by looking at her that she was not happy with the decision the doctor had made. AT that time there was yet another knock on the door only this time it was resident dumbass or interviewer Tracy Beckett standing there with a mic in her hand. Kaylee looks at her and starts to talk.
What do you want cant you see im busy?
Well the world wants to get your comments about Lucky and Dakota as well as to know if you are medically cleared to compete tonight. Not to mention your assistant said right now was a good time.
Well as you can see its not so goodbye.
Kaylee tries to shut the door but Tracy stops her. She tries again and the same thing happened. Knowing that she isnt going to be let off the hook she reluctantly follows Tracy to the section that has been designated to be the interview area. Kayle looks at her and then back at the cameraman as he starts to talk.
Okay guys lets try to get this all in one take. I know Miss Adams doesnt appreciate us wasting her time [winks at Kaylee]
Tony you wink at me again and I can guarantee that you wont be having children ever GOT IT. [Tony nods] Good now lets get this over.
Right Kaylee were going to start in like 20 seconds I am going to show you the footage done by Lucky and Dakota and ask you some questions.
Kaylee nods and then watches as the man counts down and Tracy starts to talk.
Ladies and Gentelemen standing with me now is a diva who has been on quite a roll since her debut in the company a short six weeks ago. Please welcome Kaylee Adams. Kaylee thank you for your time.
Yeah well it didnt seem I had much choice. Now can we get this over with?
Right well I know you have been busy this past week doing your appearances and everything but we were wondering did you have anything to say in rebuttle to Lucky and Dakota? They had some pretty interesting things to say about you?
I havent heard anything as a matter of fact I try my hardest to make sure that I dont listen to their idiotic babble.
Well here is some of the footage that was taken.
Tracy has them roll the footage on the screen and Kaylee cant help but smirk at some of the stuff that was said. As it goes to black Kaylee looks at Tracy and starts to talk.
See Tracy this is why I dont like listening to this stuff. All they did was really piss me off.
But Dakota does have a legitimate excuse. Are you cleared to wrestle are you at 100%?
For those who need to know last week I wasnt cleared and now I am so you have no problems with that ascpect of the match.
Thats good. Have you decided what your plan is for this match?
My plan is to go in and win the match. Simple as that
Cant be that simple.  Lucky has held that title for most of the year do you really think she isg oing to give it up?
She wont have a choice I beat her three weeks ago and I beat her the week after she really needs to know that I am better.
And Dakota she has been chasing this dream since she came in the company
There is a key word in that sentence Tracy CHASING. You see it appears to me that Dakota can never get the job done. There are some very different things between Dakota and I. Dakota will always be at the bottom trying to fight her way out of the hole while I am out and already up at the top. Dakota needs to realize she dont stand a chance in this match.
You do have to admit Kaylee that she is the underdog of this match and she might just pull it off.
[chuckles] Not going to happen keep dreaming sweetie. Maybe one day when the world has died and the company consists of all jobbers she can win but as long as Im here she stands no chance.
Things have happened before. Crazy things.
Yeah like you thinking your smart this interview is over Tracy have a nice day.
Kaylee simply walks away and back down the hallway. She grabs a bottle of water and then once again walks the hallways heading back to her locker room. Kaylee enters inside and closes the door to have a seat on the couch. She takes a quick sip of her drink and then places the bottle down on the table. Taking out her black berry she logs onto her myspace and checks it seeing new comments from her fans. She replies to a few and then gets up to rummage through her bag to remove something more appropropriate for her last appearance before her match. She has decided that even though they hate her she will go out to the ring and address both particpants on what is going to happen tonight. On exactly what they can expect and exactly what she thinks of them. Kaylee removes a black tank top and a pair of black low rise jeans out of her bag. She also removes a black belt and her regular shoes. Disappearing into the restroom the scene fades out to black giving her some much needed privacy.

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