 | | From:  yekyua (Original Message) | Sent: 7/21/2007 8:56 PM |
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain When you see the Southern Cross For the first time You understand now Why you came this way... - "Southern Cross," - Rick and Michael Curtis, Stephen Stills Travelogues, of the interior and the geographical sort here. All welcome. |
 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 6/23/2008 3:21 AM |
We rented a car and I drove. Never again. Compared to Italian drivers, New York cabbies are angelic. So true. I'm actually fairly fearless, except for heights -- but would not drive anywhere except maybe England, in the countryside. Considering good public transportation, and its benefits which include wonderful conversations, relaxing, greater safety, it seems a needless risk. Cities like Florence, and Sevilla are easily walkable, and I have hitched (so to speak) a few times, with friends met along the way to get to more inaccessible places. In Rome, chatting with a cabbie I remarked (or perhaps it was a gasp) at the sea of Vespas, busses and assorted other vehicles darting fast and crazily around us in no discernable lane or order. He said with evident pride "We are good drivers here, Signora!" He understated - they're not good, they're phenomenal. So are fearless pedestrians, little old ladies with molto attitude wading into congested streets, head high and imperious hand bringing traffic to halt. But I think you have to grow up navigating the mess to acquire reflexes, nerves of steel and serious chuztpah to survive. I'd be slaughtered, instantly. |
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 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 6/24/2008 8:25 PM |
Native, I think I am still processing those events emotionally - one of those things learned with age is that grieving takes place at its own pace and can't be coaxed or cajoles. I appreciate your empathy greatly - thank you. More I want to say about this, but these thoughts also can't be bumped out of noggin right now. :-) And please, feel free to jump in here anytime - cyber redoubt is not just for my meanderings. On that Pepsi - caffeine after noon will guarantee insommnia for me too. Pretty certain it's not psychological as sometimes I'll forget and have a coke in the afternoon, and tossing and turning at 3:00AM suddenly remember with chagrin. |
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 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 6/26/2008 8:53 PM |
Thanks again, Native �?I know you have been through the same, having lost your parents and likely others given we're in same age cohort. I recently read of your son's battle -- loss, or potential loss of child is the worst ordeal I can imagine. Anyway, I can see the narrative voice of account may have created impression, and thank you for your solicitude, but I am not alone. Daughter and son, lights of my life, are nearby and we remain close with near daily contact. Other than more casual friends, neighbors, I'm blessed with a couple of lifelong female friends and a wonderfully supportive guy who put up with my occasionally obsessive fears, periods of sadness, and celebrate with me gladnesses. My surviving brother, his wife and kids live a couple miles away - we chat, visit frequently. Then too, I live in LA where therapist/resident ratio approaches 1:1... :-) It's the 'public' part of baring soul that creates reticence �?to disclose some details of private life or emotional turmoil, even in relative anonymity of this setting is not my nature and never will be. Maybe reserve is genetic, the Indian in me... (You can take the Indian off the reservation, but...:-) ) Another concern is bio info wielded cruelly or incorporated into political/personal quarrels, as unfortunately happens in these places too often. Protecting privacy of others involved is in this mix too. Anyway...enough time has elapsed to have muted intensity, and reach perspective to articulate the experience - Hoped also to memoralize, honor my family and share what I hope may be helpful information about cancer. It's nice to get away from the insanity of the board Like I said, feel free, and anyone else who happens on retreat. Travel experiences, philosophical ramblings, whatever suits your fancy. I believe I'll stay here until November... 
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 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 6/28/2008 7:37 PM |
That kid who was 13 when diagnosed, with 50/50 chance btw, is now 35, 6'1" and 17 years past the 5 yr pronounced clean mark - it actually took him 7 years to go find that out, but we are all very relieved. An understatement, I'll bet. I realize how many wrenching, difficult moments are packed into that sentence, and celebrate his good health in maternal elation with you, Native - when our kids are in peril, we can never be completely right with the world. Have a great rest of weekend, and week. :-) |
 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 6/30/2008 5:02 AM |
While searching for another image I came across this artist's work - Kazuya Akimoto. Hardly any info in his bio, but whoever he is, he's awfully prolific, with one hundred plus paintings per year listed on web gallery. He draws from numerous influences, principally from last century, but also from ancient design elements, such as Tibetan prayer-wheels, Mesoamerican art. Subject matter ranging from abstract design, playing with geometric objects, textures and line, landscapes and cityscapes, portraits. I would hang every one of these on my walls. I love the jewel-like colors in many of them. The Green Serpent Four Flowers Emerald Mask  A Good Catch  Chinese Calendar  Purple Moth Heart of Darkness |
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You will be missed! I hope everything is ok with you. |
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 | | From:  yekyua | Sent: 9/24/2008 11:05 PM |
Done, Bama. I'll be incommunicado for a few weeks while in the cyber-rehab program. They say detoxing is rough, but I'm committed...  |