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last vyear in another forum i did a firearm knowledge thread it went so well even gun owners from the left jumped into it, this thread shall be the second in the series. with the rising costs of both ammo and firearms it is imperative to develop a plan for any gun owner. first off and without further ado, join the nra, it is money well spent. now on to ammo; normally i would advocate 22 long rifle ammo and platforms, it is far and away the most versatile caliber to rest you hat upon, but look at the cost of rifles, handguns, and ammo, its out of control, many 22s prices are on par with the larger bores and 22 is a bitch to try and reload if one can get the components at all. 500 round bricks have quadrupled in price also, and once the marxists gain power supply will dry up. larger bores are reloadable and the brass is reusable, and in these times dont go mixing and matching , buy a rifle, and handgun of the same caliber if you choose to reload, its just a sagacious decision. you may also explore the c and r market there are tons of reasonably priced imports of ww2 vvintage and at least for now, the ammo is cheap and readily available, 1000 round deals are out there, and some of these cal;ibers are on a par with the 30.06, i of course allude to the 8mm mauser and the moisen nagant 7.62x54. do not buy a caliber you cant handle comfortably, its atotal waste across the shooting spectrum. in lever action one could choose the marlin, winchester, and henry, coupled with a wheel gun in 38 special, 357 or 44 mag, the latter 2 bring power houses, yet the 38 is incredibly accurate and polite to shoot for the recoil sensative. please feel free to add as you wish, if there was anytime americans need to be informed now is the time, if obama wins we will be in a legislative war almost immediately regarding the complete and oppresive restriction of the second amendment, good luck, and please remeber there is and never will be any substitute for freedom. thanks, jerry |
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My point is Rb, that a militia with no chain of command, no training, and no common 'purpose', is not a militia. By definition, there cannot be an 'unorganised 'militia. There can be a bunch of guys with guns shooting all over the place, but without organisation, common objective with a clear strategic purpose, that is all they will be. |
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that damned comma causes all sorts of angst doesnt it, well thank goodness vthe majority of scotus understands punctuation. jerry |
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the majority of scotus understands punctuation. Depending on who appointed them.....  |
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well kennedy punched your statement in the head andy, that lib was the deciding vote. the bill clinton school of the second is quite dead now, too bad the libs cant keep up. jerry |
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for any of you that cannot understand what a comma denotes. jerry Main Entry: com·ma Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mə\ Function: noun Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin, part of a sentence, from Greek komma segment, clause, from koptein to cut �?more at capon Date: 1554 1 : a punctuation mark , used especially as a mark of separation within the sentence 2 : pause , interval 3 : any of several nymphalid butterflies (genus Polygonia) with a silvery comma-shaped mark on the underside of the hind wings |
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And DC, I believe I already addressed the question of the recent SCOTUS ruling in my message #74... All I see is snark. Was there a point? |
 | | From:  yakker2 | Sent: 10/31/2008 9:04 PM |
Whatever you wish to call them Andy....they are allowed for under many states constitutions...... and I would have to look, but I am guessing that after a call up they would indeed be placed under someones authority...... much like in colonial times....... rbshoot1 kayaker is my at home nic |
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Boy, 12, shot dead while trick-or-treating Victim's father, brother also wounded after approaching S.C. home SUMTER, S.C. - A 12-year-old boy trick-or-treating with his family in central South Carolina was shot from inside a home Friday and killed, and his father and brother were wounded by the gunfire, authorities said. The shooting suspect, Quentin Patrick, was in custody, a jail official said. Patrick, 22, has been charged with murder and three counts of assault and battery with intent to kill. The family was headed home from a city-sponsored event downtown when they decided to stop at a few homes, Sumter Police Chief Patty Patterson said. The father and his four children approached a home with a porch light on about 8:30 p.m. local time while their mother waited nearby in a vehicle. As the family was at the door, they thought they heard fireworks. The 12-year-old boy, his father and brother were all hit by the gunfire. The boy died at a hospital, Coroner Verna Moore said. The other two children were not hurt. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27482694/ { Just another "unfortunate incident" that cost an innocent child his life. The truth of the matter is that this sort of thing happens virtually everyday somewhere in America. The paranoid gun-nuts couldn't care less. They will pay any price { in other peoples blood} to keep their guns away from any sort of control. Vultures feeding on the flesh of innocent victims of gun violence in America.} |
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uh rose, of what value is your point that if a nut does something nutty every gun owner is a nut, agendic selective bigotry is your signature. jerry |
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Demonizing is her stock in trade. Some criminal shoots a kid and all gun owners are to blame. What a loon. |
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good news bill, i dont have the link, but i saw the video this morning, gun sells are up so high in newmexico, a liberal state, that shops are backordering to try and meet demand. jerry |
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here ya go, new mexico is going progun in a big way. jerry |
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What a surprise. A couple of "vultures" don't like being called on their eating habits. |
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go fuck yourself rose, now on to the real point of liberals stocking up in new mexico, shit even they dont trust obama on the second amendment. jerry |