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 Message 1 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelanles0  (Original Message)Sent: 11/11/2008 11:19 AM
I have deleted my groups I made in Multiply as like some other people it started mucking up my computer.  I got the local computer guy in town to have a look at my machine and when I told him about Mulitiply he told me to get out of it as he's had problems with it too.
He sent an e-mail to Multiply people and told them what was happening and he's waiting to hear from them now.
So I won't be going into that section any more.
Since I got rid of Multiply my computer has worked ok now.

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 Message 10 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNancyinNC50Sent: 11/12/2008 11:30 PM
My multiply account is now cancelled! I disliked that place the first time I ever went there!

 Message 11 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/12/2008 11:39 PM
I think what made me wary of them, before I even looked, was that MSN were recommending them......................  Personally, I think MSN are trying to send me insane for all the insulting emails I have sent to them over the years

 Message 12 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JohnBoySent: 11/13/2008 3:19 AM
Oh those emails were from you Joy?

MSN had forwarded all 73,000 of them onto me saying I should deal with the problems.

So of course I gave the emails to the man who really knows how to solve problems, Robert.

I think he gave them to his doggie.

 Message 13 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWorkRobDSent: 11/13/2008 6:34 PM
My doggie ate them.

 Message 14 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/14/2008 6:16 PM
Oh heavens you two silly sods, if I had known that was what msn was going to do with them, I would have typed them out on dog-biscuit flavoured emails.....

 Message 15 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesteel007010Sent: 11/17/2008 2:30 PM
hi  everyone,  my  god  if  msn  gets  much  slower    lol  its  realy  playing  us   the  past  few  days   it  stinks  .  well   I  dont  know  whats  going  to  happen  but   I  sure  dont  like  aimoo  theres  only  one  good  thing  there  thats  chat  room  that  is  good  when   people  use  it  that  is  every  time  i I  go  in  no  one  in  there.  so  I  dont  know  what  the  future  holds      group  wise  there  must  be  somewhere  thats  not  msn   in  this  big  wide  world  lol   its  just   finding  it   and  quick  times  getting  on  lol I  never  ever  thought  that  after  msn  pulled  this  trick  years  back  it  would  ever  happen  againe   but  it  has    if    anyone  hears  of  a  group     that  might  do  please  let  me  know  all  take  care  now  love  tonyxxxxxx

 Message 16 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/17/2008 2:42 PM
I am only really interested in this group to be honest with you, the other American one I belong to is moving to Aimoo, so I will probably lose track of that one as I dislike Aimoo soooooooooooo much, can't say why, I mean, they have never done anything to me, but there is just something about that, and Yuku, that give me the shivers.
My English group are as yet unsure, talks of moving to Yahoo so I have said my goodbyes already, Yahoo is a big no-no on my machine , besides Yahoo groups are chaotic and they seem to post from their emails, from what I have seen of my daughters groups.
My other American group is not sure yet either, and I am not sure yet about where to move my Family Group.
So, I will just follow JB wherever he leads.................and it is no use getting orders of protection or reporting me to the police for stalking, because that never stopped me from stalking the last person I the way, did I mention the word "stalk" there?

 Message 17 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JohnBoySent: 11/18/2008 3:39 AM
Don't get too sour on AIMOO yet Joy, as Lesley's been working on a site there and I like what I've seen so far. At first I didn't like it at all either but thanks to Lesley's programming much of what I'm seeing there now looks and behaves a lot like MSN. I've been able to post messages, photos and other graphics. Formatted text, photo boards, and all seem to be coming around thanks to Lesley's hard work.

I feel kinda guilty because while she's doing all that hard work all I've been doing so far is stealing looks up her skirt and posting pornographic messages to myself on the boards.

 Message 18 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/18/2008 9:19 PM
If Aimoo is where you go, then I will follow, so maybe a lot has to do with the way the group is set up because the test group my other group has there, is chaotic, there seems to rhyme nor reason and I have to look around just to find where to click to find a page.
However, I won't be putting my family group there, I am hearing good things about both Groupbox and Zetaboards...........I really need to stop playing msn's silly game (loading one picture at a time to my computer, then into photobucket) and go and see what I can do with my test groups in both of those places.
But well done to Lesley, I told you she was a whizz..............and don't worry about looking up her skirt, she is used to it remember, she lives upside down...........

 Message 19 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JohnBoySent: 11/19/2008 3:49 AM
Yo Joy, when it comes to images on any web site, one way or another they have to be uploaded to the internet before anyone else can see them. I don't know beans bout photobucket but it sounds like it's kinda like flickr and other services which let you upload photos for free. Once they're uploaded it's a simple matter to use them on any other site, MSN or otherwise. It's the only way I have ever posted photos/graphics here or wherever we'll go next.
If that confooses ya, just bend over and grab yer ankles and I'll try ta splain it better.

 Message 20 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelanles0Sent: 11/19/2008 4:03 AM

 Message 21 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/19/2008 4:16 PM
Position assumed
Lesley has done a smashing job with Aimoo, but I am still thinking that would not be the right place for my family group because it is mostly albums of photographs, and I don't think you can have tons of albums in Aimoo, I think they only give you the one 5mb capacity don't they?
I could put it into Photobucket I suppose, but then we wont be able to leave messages for each other, or tell jokes or such.................
So it is on with the search..................JB can you hurry up and explain, it is not easy to type whilst in this position.............

 Message 22 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNancyinNC50Sent: 11/19/2008 10:43 PM
Joy, you may want to check out this site. I came across it when looking for group sites and it could be what you are looking for.    

 Message 23 of 24 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNancyinNC50Sent: 11/19/2008 10:46 PM

Here is some more info on it.


Connect your family online.

Create a private website for Stories, Photos, Videos and Events.

<INPUT class="text preview" id=M_M_Body_ContentColumn_NewSiteName onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Name your family site'; = '#b4b3b1';}" style="COLOR: #b4b3b1" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Name your family site') this.value = ''; = '#666666';" value="Name your family site" name=M$M$Body$ContentColumn$NewSiteName jQuery1227134658857="2"> <INPUT class=submit id=M_M_Body_ContentColumn_CreateSiteButton onclick="MF.EventTracking.CreateSiteFromWelcomeHome(this, 'HPStyle4');" type=submit value="Submit Query" name=M$M$Body$ContentColumn$CreateSiteButton>

e.g., The McKinney Family (you can change this later)

  • Private Invite only the people you want to join
  • Unlimited Storage for photos, videos and more
  • Free Staying connected doesn't cost a dime

Celebrating 10 years of connecting families online

Since 1998, has helped millions of people keep in touch with their family and friends by sharing photos, stories, news, family trees and more on their very own private web site. If you don't already have a family web site, sign up today for FREE, and see for yourself why has been providing private family web sites longer than anyone else.

Webby Web Marketing Association WebAward
>document.write('<s'+'cript language="JavaScript" src=""></s'+'cript>')</SCRIPT> language=JavaScript src=""></SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT>

 Message 24 of 24 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/21/2008 11:23 PM
Thank you NancyNC - I have saved it to favourites, and at first glance, it does look promising!!!  My family group is not a greatly active group, but we use it to keep track of each other, I post a lot of pictures of Hayden of course, but I also decided to post our photo albums, from way back in time when I was young and God was a lad.
That way, we can all see how we have grown up, and I do post nieces and nephews too, and they too can look in and see how their parents used to look "in the old days" hahahaha.
Cheers for this link NancyNC, when I can find the time, I will certainly look deeper into this, especially as I have heard that Groupbox and/or Zetaboards charge......although that is only something I have heard, to be fair to them, as yet I have not had time to go in and look.
Zenith - you may want to look at this for your family group too

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