I created this chart from the one at the Canola Council of Canada's website, and it seems to be a good indication of how canola oil consumption has risen since the 1980s in many nations (Canada is or was the biggest producer of canola). Of course, you can go to your local food store and read ingredients lists to see how much canola oil (and rapeseed, which is a "cousin" of canola) is in the food you eat these days. The numbers on the left are to be multiplied by 10,000 tons. The internet source of the Council's chart is: http://www.canola-council.org/manual/GMO/gmo4.htm This chart shows the general trend, and it's not clear (to me) exactly what year is represented by the end of the line. Again, this appears to be a good graphic representation of the general trend, and is not intended (by me) to be considered beyond this gross conception. |