Hey ho everyone,
Well this week was quite the insult to me,
From the begining of Januarary they had,
signs posted advertising chili fundraiser for CMN,
It even looked good in the picture, Well that magic
date came right on by even made sure I had some,
money for it find out as it usually happens that there,
was only a little left and burnt at the bottom of the pan,
and the bread to go with it was old and crumbly well next,
time they do have that sort of thing I'am not going to raise,
my expectation that it will be anything good and In the future,
I will not blink an eye for enthusiam for anything with Walmart
except to earn a paycheck of course but it did rip open some,
feelings of course when the day shift always gets it and the night,
shift always seems to work the hardest, any thing similar to this at,
your store? I call it a kick in the face have a wonderful Wally day....
from Arcangel