All profiles are to follow this form in this group. Please do some research on Gray Wolves and the Subspecies before filling this form out. A little information to help you Females Length 4�?to 6�?/FONT> Height 2�?to 3�?/FONT> Weight 65 - 85 lbs Males Length 4.5�?to 7�?/FONT> Height 2.5�?to 4�?/FONT> Weight 80 -100 lbs Pups Length 10 inches to a foot Height 9 to 10 inches Weight 1 to 2 lbs An other item not on this profile that will be pick by The Manager or Asst-Manager will be which wolves will be collared. xXx General Info xXx
Moniker: (Name) Epithet: (Nickname) Strain: (Breed) Gender: Seasons Seen: (One Season is three months) Number:(Manager use only)
xXx Physical Features xXx
Occulai Coloration: (Eye Color) Pelt Coloration: (Fur Color) Markings: Height: Weight: Length:
xXx Family/Social xXx
Creator: (Father) Bearer: (Mother) Kin: (Relatives) Interests for mates: Past Mate: Mate now: Pups: Friends:
xXx History xXx Place of Birth: Past injuries/Illnesses: Any other history: All picture that will be used in this group will come from my photobucket please. I will be adding more. If you have any pictures you wich me to add into my photobucket account e-mail the link to the address on the front page. Thank you! Adult Pictures Couples Pictures Puppy Pictures Pack Pictures