Mateing/breeding season for wolves usally occurs within the time period of late winter and early spring. Breeding season for wolves takes place at any time in the winter months of January to April, but usally in February or March. The mother is pregnante for 9 weeks. Then she gives birth. Dominant wolves are more likely to produce pups than lower ranking wolves. Though subdominants of both sexes sometimes breed, the dominant pair nearly always has pups each year. Not all adult females go into heat, or mate. In packs with more than one adult female, at least half the time only the dominant female produces pups. The dominant female can prevent breeding by other females in a variety of ways. These While the females carry on their own breeding dominance rituals, the dominant males try to to make sure the pups are theirs by eternal vigilance during the few short weeks in late winter/early spring that the females are receptive. Wolf pups are born in the spring, this can be inbetween the months of March and April. To get a head start on growing big and eating alot before the harsh winters Wolf pups weigh one pound when they are first born When they are born they are born deaf and blind They open there eyes and ears in about 10-12 days after birth. Wolf pup's are born with blue eyes Fur color can range from grey, black, brownish, at birth. They crawl out of there den about 6 weeks after birth They are weaned when there mother brings home meat A wolf pup's ears are floppy until the pup is about one month old. Then the ears begin to stand up. Mothers wean slowely, from shorter feedings to longer time in between, she starts hunting again and brings them home food she has digested for them, at about 6 weeks they can start chewing on fresh meat, their teeth arupt about 3 weeks, canine teeth first, they are walking about that time too, 3 weeks Although, some pup's may fall to illness and die, or they may be killed (And sometimes eaten) by the adults, because the wolf pup is crippled in some way, or they will be taken by a bear or lynx. Wolf dens are often reused by generations of wolves; one den in Jasper National Park was used 8 times in 15 years!!
Intresting Fact: Wolves within a pack don't howl when vulnerable pups are around or in the den, because it would attract predetors. ![mom.png picture by Wolf-pictures](mom.png-t=1185934750.png) ![pup.png picture by Wolf-pictures](pup.png-t=1185934590.png) THE TOP PUP: Their will always be a "Top Pup." One who will want to boss his/her brothers and sisters around. These pup's normally end up having a strong rank within a pack when they get older, possably alpha.
Bonding: Here are 2 main bonding formations observed by Murie. First, if the pups become distressed when away from familiar individuals or other wolves. Second, the cries or whimpers of the distressed pups bring the adults, and the pups connect with the adults of their discomfort with the presence of the adults. Littermates: are also another great formation for bonding with the other wolf pups and mother. Within the den there is alot of physical contact with the mother and other pups. According to Scott (1967), their only movement at this time ((First 3 weeks in the den)) is a slow crawl, and "an isolated puppy will continue this crawl until he/she touches some warm object, which may be the mothers body or the bodies of the littermates." |