Wolf Sounds If underlined you can click it and hear the sound - Chuff -- A kind of muffled bark used to communicate, irc wolves chuff to greets and bid farewell, in play, to get another wolves attention.
- Gruff- A growl-chuff, can be playful or expressing annoyance
- Sigh- A happy sigh, or sad sigh, wolves sigh when they are tired as well
- Bark/woof- Wolves bark to warn the Pack of danger. Wolves do not bark for the same reasons as domestic dogs. This is a sound of distress or warning.
- Howl - Wolves howl for many reasons; to call hunts or gatherings, after hunt wolves howl for the spirit of the prey killed to feed the Pack, wolves howl to mourn a missing pack mate or simply to honor the Spirit of the Wolf
- Whimper - Pups whimper, adults occasionally whimper to express joy or happiness to be with a loved one, whimpering can also show sadness
- Whine - Whining is for distress or if a wolf is frightened, wolves also whine is they are sad
- Pack Howl - This is handy when you have a lot of wolves around, Instead of each of them howling you may play this sound which is basically a pack howling.
- Pant- Wolves pant when they are worn out after play or a hunt, they pant when they are hot in the summer to release heat. The tongue lolls out of a wolf's mouth.
- Murr- sound of affection toward mates, pack mates and other wolf friends, murring can be compared to purring from a cat.
- Growl - There are many meaning for growling. Growling expresses dominance to other wolf or a threat to keep there distance. If a wolf growls they may be expressing annoyance toward another wolf. Growling is a subtle warning to know your place. Growling can also be in play taunting a fellow playmate.
- Warning Growl - This sound is typically just a warning growl.. Not too forceful but enough to get the point through to others that it's not a playing matter.
- Snarl - Snarling is a more serious form of growling. When a wolf snarls at another, there teeth are bared in warning. This can be accompanied by a direct stare from a dominant wolf. It is a warning to step back or stop the wrong behavior of another.
- Yelp - Wolves yelp when suprised/shocked, Could even be used to a sharp pain.
- Yip - Yipping is common among pups but adults may yip also. Mainly used to get attention or show emotion.