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The MSN Groups service will close in February 2009. You can move your group to Multiply, MSN’s partner for online groups. Learn More
bbc poetry corner[email protected] 
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All members please visit  General regularly as it is essential

you keep up with developments,have your say,

and take any action requested to ensure you move with the site!



from Charlotte Jones, Group Product Manager, Microsoft

It's "Official". MSN Groups to close Feb. 21, 2009

In the meantime the management here with some helpful input from members are investigating alternative options including  the MSN GROUP recommended Multiply site.


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Poets; Please Read; New BBC Poetry Corn...
MSN NicknameZydha   01-05-09
BBC has moved to Aimoo
<DIR> Hi, Poets. BBC Poetry Corner has moved to Aimoo. Please follow this link to the new site: http://...
MSN NicknameMerlin--_--_   01-05-09
She Dances (an oldie)
Hi Philip,   It wasn't Dancing in the Dark. It was this one:
MSN NicknamePoetess-three1   01-05-09
She Dances (an oldie)
Hi Jen,   I wasn't lonely - but only because I had my chocolate waiting at the other end of the room. ...
MSN NicknamePoetess-three1   01-05-09
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candles in the night
MSN Nicknamebunnsosoft 01-03-09
MSN Nicknamebunnsosoft 12-15-08
MSN Nicknamebunnsosoft 12-07-08
MSN Nicknamebunnsosoft 12-06-08
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