 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 2/24/2007 3:35 AM |
Time is precious It lasts but an instant Maybe one day we will Enter ~ an endless memory Zy |
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Nice Zy is this a new one or in reference to Spring? |
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Time is marching, In rhythm and rhyme. Moulding our hearts, Eternity will shine. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/24/2007 9:49 AM |
Sorry Dix, my mind wandered last night, but it is not explicit where, lol, had been looking over at the green opposite our house and it is edged by wide beds of daffodils and crocus. Recently we have had some gorgeous spring days, but the last two days have been torrential rain and there were quite a few daffs up and open, but they have been beaten down and the display has almost vanished before half opened up, so when the remaining bulbs surface....this year's display will be much less than last year. I guess I was just meandering 'cos I couldn't sleep at all last night, Zy |
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Well, I have done that myself Zy! Most the time my muse is more creative in the wee hours! lol. We are fixing to have thunderstorms come thru early in the morning, after all week of 70's Farenheit. I would love to see your garden! |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/24/2007 5:03 PM |
Look in my album, Dix, but my garden is tiny compared to the village green across the road from the front of my house and the spring bulbs all around that...'was' just getting to be gorgeous, but most are flattened by the wind and rain now. Think that was what I wanted, by it being a permanent feature, this year the fisplay won't be so good cos as they rest come up the first show has been battered down, I love flowers and springtime colours  so much, Zy |
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I do too Zy and don't cry! You will make me cry! I always empathize with my best friend's pain. We had two ice storms come thru here, then winds, which ruined the beautiful flowers coming up next door at the church. Then 70'sF and they began growing again and now storms again! I know how you feel. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/25/2007 12:48 PM |
I know there are real concerns in the world, Dix, much more important than flowers dying or being battered down, but in my private world, I love growing things, especially flowers and they do have an influence on one's frame of mind, so it does distress me to watch living things which only give pleasure, be shortened in their existance...and especially when yhey are gone for another twelve months. This may be the last vision of them if we sell before next spring (which I dearly hope we do, lol), Zy PS I took that daff piccie in albums from my main front window last year.. |
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You had a sale! Hurrah! So, there will be no flowers when you move? Awwwww.....It is pouring rain here and fixing to thunder and lightning! At least there is water for growing things. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/25/2007 2:38 PM |
This may be the last vision of them if we sell ... No, Dix, not yet, I said 'if', or when, since we hope to before next spring, lol, but the garden and the green will remain for seasonal showings, I however, will just swap the for views for bougaivillea, lavender, mimosa and palms, yippeee, Zy |
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