 | | From:  1oldarmybear (Original Message) | Sent: 12/2/2007 2:00 AM |
coins in the kettle they've been there every year for more than a hundred years the red kettles in front of stores with a friend or two ringing a bell with a smile a thank you and wishes for a merry christmas when you see one give a few coins or a bill or two they will help everyone have christmas if you don't have a coin give an hour or two ringing the bell collecting coins in the kettle Copyright ©2007 Don Tyson 11-28-07 |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/3/2007 12:38 AM |
Aahhh...I have read this great one already, bear, and what a gorgeous thought, we can all do something in some way to make Christmas better for those less fortunate, I like this very much, Zy |
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You've caught the essence of Christmas in your poem, Bear. Nice one, young man. 'Ring them bells, you heathens,' (as Bob Dylan once sang). |