dear friends I love you so I pray you to help me through this. Mom has
been through so much in her life breats cancer the bowel scare
operation skin cancer and so much else I dont want to lose her
but me almost crying as I type this to you my friends. 
MOm has another thin placed on her and our family to deal with .
the doctor called her and we are so worried he is setting her up
now with a specialist after her CT Scan yesterday It is a cancer doc friends 
I am so worried I being talking to her this morning and then got birds up too. I love her so I dont want to lose her not after she been
through so much . Please pray for her and keep her in your thoughts
and send all the helping angels you can for her please. I love her so
we are so close like sisters friends and mother daughters 
Please please
thanks for helping me with this I need all my friends now
yours always
huggers from coc