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Hi everyone, It's a well-known fact that we Geordies appreciate the good life (food, drink, parties, sense of humour), so reading this, er, "interesting" article gave me quite a shock! (with apologies to all you trainspotters out there) Poetess xx |
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Not that everyone who comes from the North East is a Geordie, of course (let's not get into the tribal warfare here), but the fact that it happened on my own doorstep (so to speak) made me drop my cup of tea! Eeeek! |
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Being a yank or American, I understand a trainspotter as one who spots for trains and watches them move. However, what is a Georgie and is this just a UK thing? lol. |
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grrrr my posts are not posting! Let me try again. I understand what a trainspotter is but what is a Geordie? Is this just a UK thing? |
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Hi Dix, Geordie is a regional accent One of many in the UK. Like Scots and Cockney and all the rest, We speak English in our own way. We come from the north east corner of England, From a place where ships were once made. We're proud of our industrial heritage, A heritage now lost in the mists of time. Famous landmarks here include Hadrian's Wall And, more recently, the Millennium Bridge And the Metro Centre, our shopping mall, Visited by people from all over the world. There have been a few famous Geordies in my time But, for me, Sting is the most famous one of all. I like the man and his music (well, some of it, anyway). He's a local hero to me! Poetess xx |
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As you can probably tell, my muse has decided to take a break. I think that I'll be dragging her back to her work tomorrow.  |
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Don't worry, Dix. I'm having a hard time posting things too. It took me ages to post my last two replies. Grrr!!!!!  |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/10/2008 7:45 AM |
lol, this goes back to Philip's pick-up on the email I received from a friend about education and schools today, Poetess. Is it a 'need to know' or 'want to know' question, if it is a 'not interested'....then maybe others might be. You are right to be proud of your heritage, but .... (food, drink, parties, sense of humour), are fine for fun, then you listed the many other notes of historical and present interest of the north-east, so it should be a fair and balanced world in publications, with a need to know 'all' the facts to ascertain the worthiness of local areas, towns and cities. I found the article quite informative, as many of those facts and dates I did not know already, (not being a trainspotter myself, lol)....but yes, I would not have searched such an article out,  Zy |
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Hi Zy, I would class it as a "need to know" question. As for the subject title, "A Really Boring Article", I suppose that I was just looking for a catchy title. It just popped into my head. I couldn't think of any other title for it. I actually found the article both interesting and informative. It was one of those little snippets of information that grabs my attention now and then. History is one of my favourite subjects. When I visit towns and cities all over the country, I like to delve into the past to find out more about the place that I'm visiting. I'm immensely proud, not just of my North East heritage, but of actually being British. So I agree that everything should be fair and balanced. I always view things on a "need to know" basis. This was one of those articles that made me think, "Wow! You learn something new every day!" By the way, I stumbled upon this article by accident as I was just casually browsing the BBC site last night. I'm pleased that this has started a debate. I love debates (giggling)!  Poetess xx |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/10/2008 11:40 PM |
You little stirrer.... You, lol, I can see we do need a bigger soapbox these days,  Actually, Poetess, so do I love debates, that's why I made us a Podium (debates) thread, in hopes all sorts of topics would reach there, it's such a mixed and international community, that it could be really great to get a few items buzzing, Zy |
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