Hy, Poets, it has taken this long for the site to be reinstated to it's former classification
as 'semi-secure' and a freely functioning poetry site...which can once again be read by everyone.
This means we are back to normal and there is no monitoring beyond myself and Lincus as with all poetry sites.
Thank goodness, for if one clicks to Site Meter, we are read by many times over the number of posting poets.
This site has a very widespread and active readership, hence the problem which arose,
but now I hope we can get back to posting as we were doing without the cloud of the complaint hanging over us any longer.
We had a good, sound and happy community with very high activity re postings and readings,
and a really super ambience of friendship running through the threads....let's try and reinstate that also.
My thanks to those who saw us through this difficult situation, your posting has kept the boards ticking over, regards to all,