Hey Friends coc here
it is 11.14 am on NOv 2 did I say that
Nov wow where did this year go
sunny but cool
hub and i cleaned cages in den
done 2 loads of dishes through dishwasher
chatted with mom and dad
Made in crock pots
1. 5 pears in apple juice sauce
2. 6 apples in apple juic e sauce with nutmeg and cinnamon
3. Beef liver onions garlic tomatoes carrots red chiili beans
mixed vegetables with terriyaki soya sduce will serve this with rice
which is cooked up already for hub I can not eat beef
4. Chicken wing drumettes 10 of them browned with barbecue sauce
chilli powder bread crumbs onions garlic tomatoes mixed
veg red chili beans i will add spaghetti to it today
5. Chicken thighs browned with terriyali sauce soya sauce apple juice
pepper onions garlic peas carrots bread crumbs will serve this with rice which i cooked up already
Took apart a BIRD cage complete and cleaned all toys and perches
food dishes etc hub has to clean outside and tray and grate today sunday
we have loads to do hub been up since 8 am me since 10 am and
birds sinee 10.30-11 am
Hope u all well
coc loves ya
misses ya
chat soon
huggers coc