 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 12/1/2008 10:05 PM |
At last we feel confident that you might enjoy the migrated location, Poets, we have tried to make it as easy and user friendly as we can at the moment and it really is simply a click of the mouse and a paste, just like here at MSN adding the one thing which truely stumped me at the start, Tagging. When you post in the edit box, you will see a thin box for adding tags, this is where in the site you wish your piece to be published, ie, New Poetry, Friday Challenge, Picture Poems or wherever you choose. The Tags can be found/seen above from our migrated work, just place mouse in the Tag box and click whichever, then post, and ,that is all there is to it, so...come on over and see what you think. A lot of work has gone into getting the site organised and those of you who have Collective pages here, will see that your archives have travelled over, as have the poetry pages, so it's all there. Nothing is written in stone yet, as we have not given up the search for a more similar home to this one, but I have to admit, that after my nerves at the start, it's not all that bad and time and experience will allow us even more opportunities. Pop over and apply to join....and start posting, but we shall leave this home in action until they 'demolish' it, Zy, Gordon and Lincus The New BBC Poetry Corner |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/4/2008 2:14 AM |
Hello, Tony, nothing will ever be as straightforwardly open as MSN, I/we have been scouring airways for as close as we can get, blogging layouts seem to be the order of present times, but Mumtiply isn't so bad once you get the hang of Tags. But...shan't give up the search....just moved over because the date of closure was brought forward and probably will be again and at least the work boards are safe. Post in Blog box, Tony, and hit Preview/Edit, there you will see the migrated Tags (names of our moved over boards from here) and click on whichever you need, eg General, Challenge (still to be posted) Poetry Pge 9 or even your name which is your Collective archive. All your work is there, but just apply to join, as the open boards are easier to understand. Hope you are well, Tony, and hope to see you there, but, as I said, we shall keep this one till they demolish it in Feb, for sentimental reasons, best regards, Zy |
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Hi Tony, Some of us have been at Multiply for a while now so, if you need help, we're always here. We'll see what we can do. Lynn xx |
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Hi, Tony. If there is anything specific you want to know, just ask and we should hopefully be able to help you out. Gordon |
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I applied for membership in the new bbc at Multiply and received an email that my membership request was denied. I am a bit curious as to why I was rejected... bear |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/8/2008 12:24 PM |
Hy, I haven't been able to sign in to Multiply for days, Don, so can't help you with an answer, and.... I have been waiting for some reply/help from Multiply since last week, so not sure if it's just some sort of glitch for there would be no denial from us, hold tight and reapply again and Gordon can be on the lookout, but I can do nothing at all there at the moment, Zy |
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Hi, Don. I've been keeping an eye out and have been letting bbc members in and as when they show up. I've been trying to look in at least once a day to see if there are any applications, But I haven't seen one from yourself. Re-apply like Zy suggests and I'll sort it out. Gordon |
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'Tis done, Don. Welcome! Gordon |
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Thanks Gordon, I love the new place. Great layout. My apologies for the confusion. I didn't realize no one would recognise the multiply address as being from me... Don |
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No problem, Don. Thanks for the feedback - pleased you like it. btw when your application came through, it just showed as Don/Bear... So I have no idea what happened with your previous one, as I never set eyes on it. I can only assume a gremlin. All - If this should happen to any other member, please inform Zy & myself immediately so we can fix it, as no-one should be getting rejected. Gordon |
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