Hy Linereader, I've just noticed that you have added after my first/intro post.
I shall give you instuctions, but when you can lift your picture for this repoem, post it as a New Discussion so 'you' have the title heading, just like in the challenges, I just left that message there to get this thread going. Otherwise your piece will be lost inside this thread. You've got pictures on your site though, it should be the same or similar procedure.
1 Once your picture is saved to your to hard drive file, make up a new album for yourself here, see the side index (Pictures). Go into your album which will look blank but on the top heading...
2 Click on 'add photos' and a box will open, you will see your directory at the side, click in whichever file your piccie is in and that will reveal your stored pictures within.
3 Click on the desired picture and look up to the top right hand corner where it will say 'load picture', click again and it will copy to your album, but before you do that ...scroll down to the bottom of your screen and you will see 'resize'. facility. It doesn't make a lot of difference to the size if you click to make smaller, but it saves on your memory. Then click 'load'. It will then be in your album.
4 Open your post.reply/box and click on the icon on the top bar, second on the left from emoticons and that should open a box which will allow you to see BBC Poetry Corner at the side of it, click on that and you will see the name of your album, click on that, and you will see whatever pictures you have loaded.
5 Click on the chosen picture and it should have a boxed look highlighting it, again 'load' and it will appear in your message box, but locate your curser before clicking on the icon. By clicking on the picture in the reply box, you will see white squares surround it. You can again size your picture larger or smaller by holding you curser on one of the corner ones and moving it in or out. Thats it!
Some just copy and paste, but I find they soon revert back to the white box with a little red cross on it, but they do that too when/if you delete from your album If you need me just let me know. Hope that helps, Zy