 | | From: LittleBill (Original Message) | Sent: 4/13/2005 10:16 AM |
Why do I yearn when there’s nothing to yearn for ? Is it my red blood, my callous white senescent skin ?
Why do I feel pushed into longing ?
Emotional ambitions have been long since abandoned my agenda these days is simply to survive. So why can’t I sleep when I’m tired or eat when I’m hungry, is a basic functionabilty too much to ask ?
Why do I feel caged when in fact I’m free ?
I move slowly yet there are no loads to tie me down, each breath I take is mine alone and my heart beats selfishly for me. I believe in fate, obviously - and if this is what she has chosen then tell me, why do I fight her ?
Why does time stand still ?
my pockets are full of it now making the days eternally long even when darkness is never far away.
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/13/2005 12:28 PM |
Your muse is in a blue mood today, lb, This reads very smoothly voicing those juxtaposed feelings when experiencing a void, but it passes, as do most emotions, the hard part is turning the force around . Some excellent lines here, lb, an interesting read, Zed |
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agree with Zydha, some great lines in here, lb. Think I'll nick a few cos I can't write for toffee at the mo. Steve |
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Its the emotional package that we carry around with us, and it can weigh us down so much at times. Good poem lb Emma |
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Can only echo what the others have said, but very glad I popped in and caught sight of this. Nice work Lb, O'Sin |
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