 | | From: LittleBill (Original Message) | Sent: 4/13/2005 6:48 PM |
You don’t really know what you have done, do you ? You didn’t just close a door, slam it in my face no, no you did much more than this.
Remember all those childhood dreams we were so naive and full of hope ?
We were sure then the Prince would come rescue his Princess from the tower, from the dragon good would always triumph over evil and true love conquers all. Once, I was sure of this
but then you showed me
you showed me what happens when the princess wants to stay in the tower. What happens when the princess would rather face her dragons alone.
And then I looked and saw a queue of twenty or more other jaded knights in font of me and I turned to find ten or more stood behind.
This is what you have done
you pulled the magic carpet from under my feet I rubbed the lamp and no genie appeared I clicked my heels three times and all I did was get lost
everything I wanted to believe all I held onto as a child the very stuff that subconciously kept me sane as an adult - all of this you have destroyed denigrating my charachter weakening my faith as you nonchalantly made decisions that did not include me.
True, you showed me the Rainbow
and I climbed and I climbed to find my pot of gold, but hey I wasn’t allowed to take it with me
just a look... one touch... then leave.
This is what you have done.
So tell me, are you happy now ?
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Hi lb, Simply the title pulled me in! - I recognised it from a song, lol, so was like humm...better see if it has any link. Most of this poem is kept 'simple' in it's langauge, which makes this part: everything I wanted to believe all I held onto as a child the very stuff that subconciously kept me sane as an adult - all of this you have destroyed denigrating my charachter weakening my faith as you nonchalantly made decisions that did not include me. amazingly effective. Using such psychological description alongside the way you've shown it with the 'fairytale' route works ever so well. You really do control the pace, the tone and the effect in such a neat way. It's not a poem which exaggerates and looks silly, it's carefully done. Great. Katy p.s typo - 'font' - meant to be 'front' I guess. |
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Good poem, lb. that's why we love children, they still see/believe in magic. Sadly we know it all to be fraud...and wish it weren't so. Steve |
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