 | | From:  ceosport (Original Message) | Sent: 4/17/2005 8:58 AM |
The shopping done, hungry children head for where food is fun, and everyone with a nugget of sense just laughs at the title of restaurant..
This is where kids enjoy their ruination, where balance is shunned for the fuel of future misery in a bun. They are happy. But this is the arch- enemy of nutrition, a corridor to the CCU.
The magnet of disease is attracting its prey. The odour of obesity is disguised inside a large cloak of burgers and fries, the cynical use of free toys putting joy into doomed children’s eyes.
Clive |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/17/2005 9:06 AM |
Wonderfully well said, Clive, I and family never enter the place, haven't for years. But have to say..when we lived in LA...burger houses had a different image, as did the food. Meat had the taste of grilled beef, lettuce was crisp and cheese did melt! Granted that was 20 yrs ago, but along with them...one had so many other selections of healthier eating places with an ambiance which children enjoyed. Your title is soooo apt...the crowded one in town on weekends shows that not everyone thinks or cares about what they eat, Zy |
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Hi Clive, Its amazing how many people do actually enjoy these foods - yet they hold no nutrition whatsoever. A long term problem, which is going to lead to a generation of children who suffer with obesity and poor health. Emma |
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Good one Clive, I guess any parent can identify with this and I'll admit I love those little chicken thingys....lol. My kids consider it a huge treat to go to these places and I think the three or four times a year they are allowed won't harm them. I read somewhere that fast food is not as bad as everyone thinks it is, the nutritional value is of course questionable, but it's easily digestable and, at least at the big well known names the standards of hygiene are extremely high.I remember when I was a kid all we had were those burger and hotdog vans that used to drive around markets...I can still see the clouds of flies and wasps that hovered around them...lol...it's the same with everything in life, a little is enough, enough is too much ! Good poem. : )lb |
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