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The breeze is warm - Playing with my hair And teasing the back Of my neck. Grains of golden sand Slip through Longing fingers, To fall ever so gently Over my skin. I can feel the sun Beating down, The warmth penetrates My body Through and through. It could never be As heavenly as this Back home. Yes, I’m there Right now. Sitting by the pool, Watching the world Pass me by. Sweet bliss, That would be... GOD I NEED A HOLIDAY! - lol, this was inspired by the fact that I really do need a holiday. I'm planning to go on one next year, with Toni, but I have an awful lot of saving up to do in the meantime! I'm sure there are LOTS of people who can relate to this. Would love to know what you think. Love Fluff. p.s, this took me about 5 minutes to write by the way, thats why it isn't tremendously good. |
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I need a holiday too! Haven't had a holiday for 3 years now - I'm not even talking expensive - just a deck chair in the sun lol Hope you get your holiday Fluff. Enjoyed this dream Emma |
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Hiya Emma, I know that feeling so well. I mean, I know I went on holiday last year to Egypt, but that was my first holiday in six years. Its such a horrible feeling when you get some people who can have a holiday 4-5 times a year lol, and then there are those lucky people, like Zy, who have their own little heaven! (Do you think if we both squeezed into a suitcase, her and David would notice?) hehe. I hope you get your holiday too, Emma, really I do. We all need a break once in a while, even if it's just a weekend away somewhere. I cant wait till next year if I save up enough money, because my mum said that as soon as Im 17, I can go on holiday with friends etc. By next year I'll be 18 anyway, so it should be great. lol, We could meet you out there somewhere in Spain if you wanted?  Thanks again, lv Fluff. (You can borrow my deck chair any time you like.)  |
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A lovely poem, a lovely dream and yes lets hope and pray we'll be there one day... SOON! lol. Love you xxxx |
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