 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 4/19/2005 11:00 PM |
In the dark caverns of remembrance Who will remember who was here Will time erode the images Dissolve the essence of Lives and loves entwined In their slowly slipping past. How will they remember If there is noone left to remind Noone left behind To emphasise that once They were a family A number, of souls, heads Hearts and happenings Which through time they Thought would last. What strange games Time and destiny play Giving us hope of eternal Thoughts in the minds Of those who knew and loved Only to whittle at the Tree of Life till few Remain to image cast. (c) ZYDHA HART 2005 |
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very good poem, Zydha, giving me cause to ponder. Is it just vanity, us hoping to be remembered? As the world moves faster, so it seems does memory fail to hold onto much. Does it matter? Yes and No, is my answer,lol ( but mainly, YES) Steve |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/19/2005 11:40 PM |
lol, Steve, I didn't mean by the world...just family. See my challenge poem to Jools, we had the funeral today of our last relative beyond this household. So with four of us left of four generations of only children on one side and three on Hubby's, we are petering out. It's all up to one Grandchild to remember the family (present and past) as noone else will be left to...in not such a long time away. Yes, I'd like to be remembered by the next generation, (and be reminded to the one after that) but it helps if there's more than just the one individuals imput. lol. Hubby is furiously putting together the family tree for posterity. 'night, Zy x |
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I love your poems Zyd! Especially that one. It is the perfect combination of sadness, loneliness and rhyme. Its perfect! I love it! >Patty< |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 8/1/2006 4:45 PM |
Hey, Patty, so you are digging into the archives??? I looked at the title of this and thought..."No, from another time, lol" You are very kind, Patty, I love poetry...either to read or to write, but there is a poignance about you choosing ths one. I wrote it in reflection that we are a family of just four, from a long line of only children and wondered how one would be remembered. The only other reply to this piece is from a dear poetic friend and a super person who passed away in early June of this year. Steve has a commemoration page at the top of the index and will never be forgotten by me, nor many of his friends, so thanks, Patty, a strangely pertinant choice, Zy |
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I love this poem Zy! Since my family dumped me, I have created my own. At church, etc. So, I would like to be remembered for my kindness and love. |
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