 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 7 in Discussion |
| From: LittleBill (Original Message) | Sent: 9/13/2004 7:01 PM |
A man sits at his desk and looks around the tiny room that has unavoidably become his home. There is no carpet for he loves the feel of the cool wodden floor on his bare naked feet and in winter he wears thick wollen socks and glides effortlessly from the pc to the couch to sit and watch his favourite old films on the huge flat tv screen drink Mosel wine with camembert cheeses and later he opens a window and smokes a cigar before bending apart the couch that quickly becomes his bed. The room has no flowers but the walls are crammed with huge cheap prints of Monet and Van Gough and Warhol so it seems almost alive with colour’s of a captured fluidity. He has never seen the need for curtains Enjoying his free view of the stars and moon and in the morning the rising sun is his realiable alarm. Against one wall, stacked in many uneven precarious piles are his books, hundreds and hundreds that he has read and mostly liked and read again and again. Shakspeare, Dante, Moore, Poe, Christie He once decided to count exactly how many books he had, but not today. There is no telephone, but the nice lady that owns the ‘jazz club�?in the basement never complains when he gives people her number and she is always happy to send one of her girls up to tell him that someone is ringing him downstairs. He knows all her girls. They stare at the glorious pictures on his walls or admire his amazing dissaray of books and then there are his records rows and rows of sleek smooth vinyl Piafs and Grecos Sinatras and Dorceys and Parkers and sometimes they stay to dance, eat his food make love to him on the squeaky too small for three couch sharing his wine and cigars listening excitedly as he speaks of music and art and sex and drugs and life with each girl hoping that he’d just once remember her name - which he never does. He is happy with the room and when he is alone, in that one lonely quiet hour before dawn when the girls all sleep and the band in the basement had gone home he smokes and looks at the stars thinking his room would be a good place to die.
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Hi Lb - a rather sad reflective look at life I felt Emma |
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Hi Emma....well...I'd prefer 'melancholy'...lol...thanks for reading... : )lb |
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You can read me a bedtime story anytime lb... I am not sure I would enter this room though...especially if he didn't remember my name! Cheek! lol Very well written as ever. Valerie X |
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But how could I ever forget your name Janet ?...lol..thanks for the comment.. : )lb |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 9/19/2004 2:30 AM |
Hy lb, I think the board moved too quickly at one point this week and I have found a few poems I had missed. This 'is' a sad read, but a very good one, I enjoyed this reflective and thoughtful piece, Zed |
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Thank you Zed, actually I don't think he is all that sad, just resigned to his fate and trying to make the best of what he has....like so many of us are, I suppose. : )lb |
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