 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 9/15/2004 12:38 AM |
What a pace Life's a race Whever will it let up? Can't go gone What am I on From the moment that I get up? Hate this speed All I need Is to have a moment that is slow Get off my feet Back the beat Need my leisure time to grow! Set me free Give liberty And some seconds which are mine. It's not fair Time doesn't care I'm a woman past my prime. Is this 'fast paced' enough for you, Emma? lol, did it in a hurry too, Zydha |
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Morning delicious Zy bird.....I am going to be in and out with my head not really completely in, for the next few days as I have a friend, a very dear one who is having a serious op today....I will be here as much as I can though as I truly need this place, the pace.....nice one Zy...argh.... Have a lovely day ! Valerie X |
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Hi Zydha, Definitely fast paced - reminded me of some days chasing after my sons, and my role as glorified taxi driver! Emma |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 9/15/2004 10:07 AM |
It sounds as though it encompasses your present timetable also, Valerie. I hope your friend's op is successful. No probs, always nice, when you have the time, but in reading your reply again...I thought you said that!!! So whatever you do for the next few day....Keep Your Head On!!! lol Hey Girl...we need you and your scintillating poetry 'and' personality, take care, Zydha x |
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