Two people in a candlelit room,
Shadows danced and flickered around,
The shadows were dancing, as only they can,
One was a woman, one was a man,
Soft caresses lead to a kiss,
Shadowed hands entwined like this,
Groping at flesh, and spread out like a fan
One on the woman, one on the man,
A drop of a shirt, as it fell to the floor,
Then fell a blouse, would there be more,
Clothes kept on falling, from skin with a tan,
One from the woman, one from the man,
A kiss on the cheek, impassioned with lust,
Then a kiss on neck, and it made them feel thus,
Wrapped up in his arms, in his muscular span,
Safe with the woman, safe with the man,
With the candlelight burning, as his hand disappeared,
She rolled her head back, their passion now seared,
Deep into the fire, and plucked from the pan,
Heat from the woman, heat from the man,
He stroked her skin lightly, and kissed at her chest,
Her hands in his hair, where they then came to rest,
Floated over his features, which they started to scan,
Breath from the woman, breath from the man,
The two shadows merged, and they danced on the wall,
This passion not stopping, they were giving it all,
No holds were barred, and followed no plan,
All of the woman, all of the man,
Then came the silence, that always ensues,
That comfortable nothing, that hugging includes,
A look of contentment, for the race they just ran,
Smile on the woman, smile on the man.