Hello all,
I am entering a competition by Cinnamon Press and the winner gets their collection of poetry published. To start with I need to send off 10 poems and I would really appreciate people's feedback as to which you all think are some of my best? So far, I have:
- A Bed of Red Roses
- Black Beauty (quite recent)
- Just Jennie
- Nameless Beauty, and
- Crashing Angel, Freedom Fall.
If any of you think that those arent the best choice so far, could you let me know and make some suggestions pretty please lol cus I'm stuck. I read my writing and think it's all on the same par - you lot are the experts cus you're my "audience" lol (get you!) 
All of those can be found somewhere on the site - if you scroll back through the pages or look on my collection (which I need to update!).
Any comments would be much appreciated. Many thanks to you all. love Fluff x