I hope you'll all forgive me for this, but it isn't up to my usual standard.

I had to beg my muse to let me write this. It's sung to the tune of "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" and it describes the weather that we've been having here today.
Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head
Just like the ones that are falling outside
My boots just don't seem to fit
I'm slipping and sliding
And the snowflakes keep fallin'
I just wish that I could talk to the sun
And tell him to come and melt the snow away
The wind can be just as bad
Cold and biting, chilling me to the bone.
But there's one thing I know
The sledges that they send just aren't good enough
The kids keep falling off and hurting themselves - ouch!
Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head
That surely means that my nose will turn bright red
Achoo! Colds are not for me.
That's why I long to be safe and warm
Because I'm cold
Can't feel a thing.
It won't be long 'till the warmth of home greets me.
Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't men my nose will soon be turning red
Achoo! Colds are not for me
'Cause I'm sitting here all safe and warm at home
Drying my boots
Nothin's worryin' me.