 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 11 in Discussion |
| From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 2/3/2008 9:34 AM |
I just found this one, don't know when I wrote it, It's time to ride a moonbeam to play at peek-a-boo and dance amongst the shadows for I cannot be with you. But I'll wait there by the willow weaving tendrils into lace then use them when I see you to, wipe tears from line-ed face. (c) Feb 2008 |
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There is a sadness here, I felt it in the willow and on your face...glad you reposted it Zy, thank you for sharing... Maria  |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/3/2008 10:43 PM |
Thanks, Maria, it was in my hard drive files and I really have no memory of writing it, it wasn't dated, so probably was just a doodle, Zy |
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Very tender and sweet poem Zy. If I were to start back in my teens and begin posting my poetry in here one by one daily, this group would collapse lol. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/5/2008 1:36 AM |
Hahaha....and if I did the same, Dixie, we'd overload msn for sure,  This isn't from as far back, just something I've forgotten about and hadn't even dated, but I quite liked it when I found it, pleased you did too, Zy |
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Would like to see more from your archives if they are all this good... bear |
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OR I'll wait there where the willow trails, Weaving tendrils into place, And make a cat-o'-nine-tails To put you in your place. [Just joking!] |
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"It's time to ride a moonbeam to play at peek-a-boo and dance amongst the shadows"
Love these lines. I'm glad you found the poem.
Melody x |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/6/2008 2:51 AM |
Thanks, bear, you really are kind in your comments, I open Word and I doodle sometimes, am trying to clean up my files and editing as I go, so watch this space,  Zy |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/6/2008 2:54 AM |
Oh, Philip Dear, you can't scare me for I'm as sweet as sweet can be and now something I worry at, is where to hide ~ that last tenth cat! |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/6/2008 2:56 AM |
Hy, Melody, pleased you enjoyed, I have so many with ??? in their title boxes in Word, just started to open them and find out what they are, lol, so beware,  thanks for your lovely comment, Zy |
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