 | | From:  stellar411 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/7/2008 6:50 PM |
WUI dangerously intoxicated by Centrum 50+ and a cranberry juice shooter I commit old folk’s pharming and pop a Tramacet my biggest decision of the morning is whether or not to chase it all down with 3 hour old coffee StellaR October 7, 2008 |
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Discomfiting read, StellaR, a little desolate x especially 'the biggest decision' Jen x |
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oh ,don't take this too seriously, jenny at present, my choices are a bit limited ~ was just trying to make the best of it with a touch of humour thanks for your reply StellaR |
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Personally, I'd chase it all down with week-old coffee.  |
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So glad to hear it, StellaR, it will save me rushing to supply you with fresh coffee  And you definitely won't want Lynn's week old coffee, which I notice she didn't offer any biscuits with  Jen x |
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I think I would pass on the coffee though :)
Emma x
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lol thank you, poetess .. perhaps we should take up a collection to have fresh coffee delivered to you every morning!! haha jenny, you'll be pleased to know I dumped that pot (I poured a cup and shuddered at the colour of it) fresh coffee has no equal! perhaps we should divert that supply to poetess.. (unless week old coffee is needed to prompt her muse ~ in that case we'll leave well enough alone) biscuits hmm .... runs to look for some thank you for your sweet reply, Emma :) |
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One sip of week-old coffee and my muse jumps to attention.  |
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StellaR... as usual I adore your work.... washed down with coffee I don't think so... a large Rusty Nail would be preferable!...regards from jj |
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hehe poetess! so that's your secret!! aww thanks jimmy.. but I'll pass on the Rusty Nail lol (it's the thought of Drambuie ... shivers with the memories) however, I would consider a dash of Amaretto in the coffee ... if only that warning sign about mixing drinks and meds would stop flashing!! these days I have to take my coffee unadulterated (boringly so) Stella |
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Stella LOL good thought and wish i only had to worry about a few but hey coffee works but the most i go is one day old lol. Good piece alive with reality Peggy |
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Don't worry, Jen. I have some chocolate biscuits here. We can all have a packet each.  |
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I think you should call the 3 hour old coffee treacle, it can cure you of what ails you... Very cute and funny write Stella, Enjoyed the read. Mariaxx |
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