A god amongst my people, but they do not know me. Their eyes empty, opaque; their mouths without tongue to shape. Only dogs stir from sleep and howl as I drift and pale in moonlight.
A god amongst my people, to fear, worship and love. A chamber, canopic jars, the web of curse and charm; the dead: my sister’s brain hooked out through her nose; my brother: liver, stomach, - his body bloated with sand, unclean rags. Painted priests, busy at work, pious smiles: endless incantation; the stench of incense.
An apparition of the netherworld. Children teasing, taunting; my favoured black cat, legs bound, spits and whines, flames of heat scorch her soft fur; my rooms awake with wives, laughter, bodies glisten in fragrant oils, eunuchs glow warm beneath moonlight.
A throne room, desert sands gathering about my feet, and all I know lies beyond the scent of honeyed skin. |