 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 5/8/2004 8:50 AM |
I have changed the last word umpteen times, from 'thrill' to 'kill' and back again. Weave a web of wonder Like jewels in the rain, Look but never ever touch Observe its sweet refrain. Fragile spins the spider A deathly lure in guise As prey is snaired in innocence And never more, it flies. A spiders web is tangled Unravel, if you will, But as in life, entrapment, Will so often . . . thrill. (c) ZYDHA HART 2004 .................................................................................................... | As each word throws the poem into a different connotation and I honestly don't know which is my first choice...I seemed to have both concepts simultaniously (althought they are in conflict) I like both equally, and not simply for rhyming convenience....mnnnn, difficult. Opinions welcome......Zy |
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Hi Zy, I really like the poem, you have captured well the frailty and deceptive beauty of the web, think also that it could be the www, not a spiders web and having read it a couple of times I think maybe thrill does work better than kill. agood poem. Mari |
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Hi Zed....a nicely written piece, I've read it a couple of times with both options....and they both work.....but for me 'kill' just about gets it. As you say, a difficult choice. Good poem : )lb |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 5 of 13 in Discussion |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/8/2004 9:52 PM |
Thanks everyone for your reactions, strangely, 'kill' would have been my first choice but with the two words coming at the same time....I veered away from the darker mood. I shall have a try with your suggestions, Lincus, this was a very early morning spontanious 'straight on to the screen' sort of inspiration, so obviously I will play with it for a bit. Mnnnn, yes, another choice in line two of the last stanza, will elimanate my quandry in line four, thanks all, Zy |
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Very nice poem Zydha! "Kill" does work better for me as an ending though. I really like the black background with the white wrting as well - it really ads emphasis to the poem! Regarding something else: Where do I find "Amindinco" - really interested in reading the poems! Oh! and about "Rain on Me" - I'm impressed, but not surprised. You are such a talented poet. Which other site was it that you posted the poem on though? Eva |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/9/2004 1:55 AM |
Hy Eva, I'll email details, it was still in box last time I looked but the new posts will probably kick it out soon. Yes, I will still try a few alternatives as Lincus suggested, as I just got up so early...(like a reverse late night, lol) and I wrote this off the cuff so to speak, so I shall take it to word and fiddle with it, but I kinda like the context and metaphor of kill. It can be a spider's web, or just life's feelings. It was pouring with rain early this morning and I just thought of how the webs look after rain in the garden. I will bring the couple I have posted here for you. But, I have a few in word which I haven't finished completely, as I'm checking out tribes and locations, now I have a reason to spend time on them. Thanks for your kind words, Eva, night, Zydha |
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Hi Zydha I hope you don't mind me commenting - but for me the word kill works far better - it is a beautiful poem, but I felt that thrill let it down as an almost anti climax. Take care Emma  |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/9/2004 9:45 PM |
Of course I don't Emma, that's what it's all about and...it would appear you are with the majority, thanks. Yes, I think I do too, I'll probably still play with it for a bit, but I think 'kill' seems to fit best, hahaha...don't forget, it's quite new to me too, lol. Thanks for your comment about it, Zydha |
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Hi Zydha I read it a few times with both word and I have to agree with Emma, thrill was a bit of a let down, I like kill at the end too... Julie xxx |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/10/2004 10:01 PM |
Thanks Julie, it would appear unanimous then...so maybe I won't even play with it any more. I write some dark stuff and sometimes if it goes that way but an alternative occurs to me...I am never sure which way to go. This was one of those quandries. Zydha x |
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