She shivered in the chill of a cold, dark night.
The howling of the wind had given her such a fright!
The branches of the trees were tapping at her window
And the full moon was shining with an eerie glow.
The coven of witches from the mountains out west
Were casting a spell to wake the dead from their rest.
"By the eyes of a rabbit and the moon's shining light,
Wake the dead and make them walk among us tonight!"
All over the land, the dead began to rise.
The people at home were in for a nasty surprise.
They marched in their millions through cities and towns.
They even brought frowns to the faces of clowns!
Ghosts and zombies walked through the streets
While vampires enjoyed their midnight feasts.
Not a single soul would be left alive
As, on their lifeblood, the monsters would thrive.
The girl shivered and froze to the core
- footsteps were approaching her bedroom door!
At the back of her neck, the hairs stood on end.
"Oh when", she thought, " will this nightmare end?
They floated through the windows and walked down the hall.
You shouldn't be defenceless when evil comes to call!
She was unarmed, but she knew how to fight.
She would slay the monsters on this frightful night!
She screamed as the ghosts floated up through the floor
- but then she remembered the thing by the door.
So she opened the door and invited them in.
They had a fantastic time...